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干旱区地理 ›› 2023, Vol. 46 ›› Issue (5): 742-752.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.375 cstr: 32274.14.ALG2022375

• 生物与土壤 • 上一篇    下一篇



  1. 1.哈尔滨工业大学(深圳),广东 深圳 518055
    2.信息工程大学,河南 郑州 450001
  • 收稿日期:2022-07-25 修回日期:2022-09-20 出版日期:2023-05-25 发布日期:2023-06-05
  • 作者简介:陈淑君(1999-),女,硕士研究生,主要从事植被恢复与生态遥感研究. E-mail: shujun_c@163.com
  • 基金资助:

Spatiotemporal variations of fractional vegetation cover and its response to climate change and urbanization in China

CHEN Shujun1(),XU Guochang1,LYU Zhiping1,2,MA Mingyue1,LI Hanyu1,ZHU Yuyan1   

  1. 1. Harbin Institute of Technology (Shenzhen), Shenzhen 518055, Guangdong, China
    2. Information Engineering University, Zhengzhou 450001, Henan, China
  • Received:2022-07-25 Revised:2022-09-20 Published:2023-05-25 Online:2023-06-05


植被覆盖变化不仅与气候因子密切相关,而且也受人类活动的影响。目前,从省级尺度研究中国植被时空变化特征以及定量分析气候因子结合人类活动对植被覆盖影响研究仍较少。基于Google Earth Engine(GEE)平台和2000—2020年Landsat数据及同期气候与夜间灯光数据,采用像元二分法、线性回归分析、变异系数、偏相关分析和贡献度模型等方法对中国植被覆盖度时空演变及其对气候变化和城市化的响应进行了分析。结果表明:(1) 2000—2020年中国植被覆盖度以0.32%·a-1的速率增长。植被覆盖区域以高覆盖度为主,面积占研究区域的38%,总体呈现从东南至西北递减的趋势。(2) 黄土高原、云南省、西藏自治区和新疆维吾尔自治区西部植被覆盖度呈现增长趋势。植被年际波动在南部比北部、东部比西部稳定。黑龙江省植被覆盖度最高,为91.7%;新疆维吾尔自治区最低,为14.4%;宁夏回族自治区植被覆盖度以0.98%·a-1的速率增长,植被得到显著改善。(3) 气候因子和城市化对植被覆盖度的影响存在明显空间差异性。气温和降水量对中国北部地区植被覆盖度的影响分别为负相关和正相关,城市化主要影响经济较为发达的省份。气温是宁夏回族自治区的主要贡献因子,平均贡献度为84.3%;降水量是台湾省的主要贡献因子,平均贡献度为71.7%;城市化贡献度最大的城市为上海,平均贡献度为26.5%。

关键词: 植被覆盖度, Google Earth Engine, 气候变化, 城市化, Landsat


The variation in fractional vegetation cover (FVC) is not only closely related to climatic factors but is influenced by human activities. Only a few studies have been conducted on the spatiotemporal characteristics of FVC in China at the provincial scale and quantitative analysis of the impact of climate factors combined with human activities on FVC. Based on the Google Earth Engine platform and Landsat data for 2000—2020, as well as contemporaneous climate and nighttime lighting data, the study is analyzed using the dimidiate pixel method, linear regression analysis, coefficient of variation, partial correlation analysis, and contribution model. The results showed the following: (1) The rate of increasing of FVC in China is 0.32%·a-1 from 2000 to 2020. The vegetation cover area is dominated by the high cover level, accounting for 38% of the study area, with an overall decreasing trend from southeast to northwest. (2) FVC of the Loess Plateau, Yunnan Province, Tibet Autonomous Region, and western Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region showed an increasing trend. Interannual fluctuations in the FVC are more stable in the south than in the north and in the east than in the west. Heilongjiang Province has the highest vegetation cover at 91.7%, while Xinjiang Uygur Autonomous Region has the lowest at 14.4. The rate of variation of FVC in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region is 0.98%·a-1, with significant improvement in FVC. (3) A significant spatial variability was observed in the effects of climatic factors and urbanization on FVC. Temperature and precipitation have negative and positive correlations on FVC in northern China, respectively, and urbanization mainly affects the more economically developed provinces. Temperature is the main contribution factor in the Ningxia Hui Autonomous Region, with an average contribution of 84.3%. Precipitation is the main contribution factor in Taiwan Province, with an average contribution of 71.7%. Moreover, urbanization is the main contribution factor in Shanghai, with an average contribution of 26.5%.

Key words: fractional vegetation cover (FVC), Google Earth Engine, climate change, urbanization, Landsat