Current issue
2020 Vol 43, No.5;
(25 September 2020)
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- Development pattern of production-living-ecological spaces and construction of a smart water network system for the Economic Belt on the North Slope of the Tianshan Mountains
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 11551168 [Abstract ( 405)] [PDF 2883KB] ( 889 )
- Response characteristics of atmospheric boundary layer height to summer monsoon activity and monsoon precipitation of monsoon swing region in the eastern part of northwest China
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 11691178 [Abstract ( 300)] [PDF 2320KB] ( 546 )
- Evaluating runoff simulation of multi-source precipitation data in small watersheds
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 11791191 [Abstract ( 318)] [PDF 4822KB] ( 442 )
- Climate change and its runoff response in the middle section of the Qilian Mountains in the past 60 years
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 11921201 [Abstract ( 293)] [PDF 3101KB] ( 643 )
- Study of current status of sand industry and carrying capacity of water resources in Xinjiang
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12021209 [Abstract ( 245)] [PDF 2048KB] ( 459 )
- Differences in the fractions of heterogeneous ice clouds over China based on CALIPSO data
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12101219 [Abstract ( 289)] [PDF 3608KB] ( 163 )
- Temporal and spatial changes of extreme temperature and its influencing factors in northern China in recent 58 years
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12201230 [Abstract ( 346)] [PDF 6831KB] ( 384 )
- Chemical elemental characteristics of atmospheric inhalable particulates in Dunhuang Mogao Grottoes
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12311241 [Abstract ( 267)] [PDF 6331KB] ( 310 )
- Analysis of vegetation index changes and the influence of hydrothermal combination in the Turpan Basin from 2001 to 2017 based on MODIS Data
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12421252 [Abstract ( 257)] [PDF 4106KB] ( 262 )
- Contrast analysis of the wind speed data of the new and old station in Wuwei City, Gansu Province
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12531260 [Abstract ( 334)] [PDF 2091KB] ( 259 )
- Study on wind speed variation and wind power prediction in wind farm
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12611269 [Abstract ( 273)] [PDF 5350KB] ( 263 )
- Analysis and evaluation of climate comfort characteristics in Qingyang from 1981 to 2018
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12701277 [Abstract ( 321)] [PDF 2053KB] ( 722 )
- Urban built-up area expansion and thermal environment variation in Yinchuan City based on remote sensing
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12781288 [Abstract ( 287)] [PDF 4599KB] ( 445 )
- Temporal and spatial variations of drought and climatic response in the Xilingol grassland from 2000 to 2018
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12891397 [Abstract ( 262)] [PDF 3326KB] ( 452 )
- Changes in oasis and coordination of resource allocation in Xinjiang
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 12981306 [Abstract ( 286)] [PDF 1772KB] ( 274 )
- Topographic gradient effect and spatial pattern of land use in Baota District
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13071315 [Abstract ( 201)]
- Simulating the biomass carbon distribution of young-and-middle aged Picea crassifolia forests based on FAREAST model along altitude gradients
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13161326 [Abstract ( 298)] [PDF 2932KB] ( 456 )
- Service function and value evaluation of the Altai Mountains forest ecosystem
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13271336 [Abstract ( 263)] [PDF 3369KB] ( 833 )
- Review on the post evaluation of recovery and reconstruction in disaster areas
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13371347 [Abstract ( 278)] [PDF 1421KB] ( 621 )
- Spatial distribution of soil organic carbon in Shizuishan based on multispectral and geographically weighted regression model
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13481357 [Abstract ( 269)] [PDF 2586KB] ( 457 )
- Spatio-temporal pattern of openness of countries along the Belt and Road Initiative and its influencing factors
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13581370 [Abstract ( 277)] [PDF 4617KB] ( 462 )
- Measurement and spatial-temporal differentiation of vulnerability of microscale rural human settlementsin the semi-arid region of the Loess Plateau:A case study of Jiaxian County, Shaanxi Province
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13711381 [Abstract ( 254)] [PDF 5421KB] ( 677 )
- Spatial and temporal evolution of the accommodation industry and spatial association with tourist spots based on POI
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13821390 [Abstract ( 260)] [PDF 4623KB] ( 477 )
- Coupling analysis of eco-economic system for ecological management in the Hobq Desert
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 13911400 [Abstract ( 354)] [PDF 1857KB] ( 560 )
- Industial development modes and restraining factors of severe poverty region after resident relocation for poverty alleviation: Cases of three prefectures in South Xinjiang
- 2020 Vol. 43 (5): 14011408 [Abstract ( 306)] [PDF 762KB] ( 887 )