Arid Land Geography ›› 2021, Vol. 44 ›› Issue (6): 1570-1579.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.06.06
• Climatology and Hydrology • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHI Jiqing1(),BIAN Duo1(
),YANG Feiyun2,GAN Chenlong3,FAN Dongliang2
SHI Jiqing,BIAN Duo,YANG Feiyun,GAN Chenlong,FAN Dongliang. Variation characteristics of potential evapotranspiration and the forecast of grey model in Tibet[J].Arid Land Geography, 2021, 44(6): 1570-1579.
Parameters and test results of GM(1, 1) model at each site"
气候区 | 站点 | 模型中的参数 | 预测精度/% | | 气候区 | 站点 | 模型中的参数 | 预测精度/% | | ||
a | u | a | u | ||||||||
那曲 中 西 部 | 那曲 | -0.0036 | 424.38 | 86.55 | 0.61~1.66 | 南部 边缘 地区 | 聂拉木 | -0.0076 | 421.78 | 91.60 | 0.78~1.21 |
班戈 | -0.0016 | 657.56 | 89.71 | 0.62~1.51 | 定日 | -0.0025 | 670.98 | 88.46 | 0.80~1.31 | ||
申扎 | 0.0012 | 710.82 | 87.12 | 0.65~1.32 | 隆子 | 0.0037 | 752.32 | 93.24 | 0.80~1.19 | ||
当雄 | -0.0043 | 443.73 | 81.01 | 0.58~1.63 | 错那 | -0.0064 | 258.23 | 89.19 | 0.76~1.31 | ||
安多 | 0.0008 | 508.92 | 87.29 | 0.65~1.44 | 帕里 | -0.0071 | 310.47 | 88.95 | 0.63~1.27 | ||
狮泉河 | -0.0061 | 740.05 | 91.36 | 0.77~1.24 | 东 南 部 | 林芝 | -0.0006 | 483.09 | 87.46 | 0.65~1.82 | |
普兰 | -0.0011 | 784.19 | 94.75 | 0.80~1.18 | 波密 | -0.0034 | 353.26 | 87.46 | 0.77~1.35 | ||
改则 | 0.0003 | 862.05 | 92.26 | 0.78~1.37 | 察隅 | 0.0002 | 575.12 | 81.51 | 0.74~1.52 | ||
沿江一线 | 拉萨 | -0.0079 | 693.78 | 90.42 | 0.46~1.62 | 左贡 | -0.0031 | 403.29 | 86.99 | 0.74~1.78 | |
泽当 | 0.0047 | 1001.80 | 87.58 | 0.57~1.78 | 芒康 | 0.0007 | 467.01 | 85.04 | 0.66~1.27 | ||
日喀则 | -0.0105 | 526.21 | 85.61 | 0.70~1.40 | 米林 | -0.0034 | 327.10 | 90.58 | 0.79~1.31 | ||
江孜 | 0.0009 | 688.26 | 86.10 | 0.68~1.28 | 八宿 | 0.0073 | 1227.70 | 89.23 | 0.53~1.42 | ||
浪卡子 | -0.0009 | 592.48 | 90.30 | 0.70~1.34 | 东 北 部 | 昌都 | -0.0148 | 349.23 | 74.83 | 0.62~1.42 | |
拉孜 | -0.0003 | 884.31 | 79.57 | 0.46~1.62 | 丁青 | -0.0055 | 321.21 | 79.52 | 0.68~1.84 | ||
尼木 | -0.0060 | 514.40 | 63.90 | 0.60~1.87 | 索县 | -0.0083 | 369.50 | 80.44 | 0.64~1.68 | ||
贡嘎 | 0.0113 | 924.95 | 88.36 | 0.56~1.35 | 嘉黎 | -0.0038 | 298.42 | 87.83 | 0.73~1.39 | ||
墨竹工卡 | -0.0012 | 792.12 | 88.23 | 0.71~1.32 | 比如 | 0.0059 | 427.13 | 83.81 | 0.66~1.21 | ||
加查 | -0.0012 | 634.69 | 89.50 | 0.73~1.43 | 洛隆 | 0.0022 | 732.76 | 88.66 | 0.66~1.36 | ||
南木林 | 0.0063 | 678.85 | 59.13 | 0.44~1.44 | 类乌齐 | 0.0019 | 375.38 | 85.66 | 0.62~1.57 |
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