Arid Land Geography ›› 2022, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 219-225.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.123
• Biology and Pedology • Previous Articles Next Articles
LOU Boyuan1,2,3(),WANG Yongdong1,2(
),ZHOU Na1,2,YAN Jinsheng1,2,3,Akida ASKAR1,2,3
Yongdong WANG;
LOU Boyuan,WANG Yongdong,ZHOU Na,YAN Jinsheng,Akida ASKAR. Soil particle size composition characteristics of Pinus sylvestris plantations in Nur-Sultan City[J].Arid Land Geography, 2022, 45(1): 219-225.
Tab. 2
Soil fractal dimension changes and ANOVA at different soil depths in various sampling sites"
土层深度/cm | 樟子松人工林林龄 | 对照组裸地 | ||
4 a | 15 a | 49 a | ||
0~20 | 2.558±0.01A | 2.569±0.028A | 2.509±0.08A | 2.354±0.118B |
20~40 | 2.390±0.02A | 2.367±0.007A | 2.456±0.07A | 2.372±0.131A |
40~60 | 2.379±0.019AB | 2.447±0.049A | 2.389±0.05AB | 2.338±0.062B |
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