Arid Land Geography ›› 2022, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (1): 226-236.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.107
• Regional Development • Previous Articles Next Articles
YANG Haijuan1(),SUN Laiding1,ZHOU Meijun1,LI Fei1,2(
Fei LI;
YANG Haijuan,SUN Laiding,ZHOU Meijun,LI Fei. Trade-off analyses of ecosystem services during the reconstruction of grain production space in Loess Plateau: A case of Yulin City[J].Arid Land Geography, 2022, 45(1): 226-236.
Tab. 1
Value change of ecosystem services during the grain production space reconstruction in Yulin City"
重构路径 | 固碳/g C·m-2·a-1 | 产水量/mm·a-1 | 土壤保持/t·hm-2·a-1 | 食物供给/kg·hm-2·a-1 | |||||||||||
2000年 | 2018年 | 变化量 | 2000年 | 2018年 | 变化量 | 2000年 | 2018年 | 变化量 | 2000年 | 2018年 | 变化量 | ||||
重构整体 | 314.50 | 318.11 | 3.61 | 133.88 | 133.66 | -0.22 | 25.44 | 27.67 | 2.24 | 1088.77 | 1002.10 | -86.66 | |||
退耕还林还草 | 317.67 | 322.55 | 4.88 | 123.92 | 137.03 | 13.11 | 25.54 | 31.48 | 5.94 | 1266.34 | 811.32 | -455.02 | |||
城市扩张 | 315.75 | 307.50 | -8.25 | 123.21 | 159.66 | 36.45 | 24.71 | 20.82 | -3.89 | 1278.65 | 919.01 | -359.64 | |||
毁林垦草 | 321.03 | 316.20 | -4.83 | 144.67 | 120.28 | -24.39 | 30.37 | 24.31 | -6.06 | 821.62 | 1342.53 | 520.91 |
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