Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (3): 413-423.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.431
• Biology and Pedology • Previous Articles Next Articles
GAO Yanting1(), ZHANG Rui1(
), DONG Bo2, LI Qingqing1, LIU Kehan1
GAO Yanting, ZHANG Rui, DONG Bo, LI Qingqing, LIU Kehan. Effects of ridge mulching and rain harvesting patterns on microbial diversity in maize rhizosphere soil[J].Arid Land Geography, 2024, 47(3): 413-423.
Tab. 1
Yield and yield characters of maize under different rainfall collection modes"
处理 | 穗长/cm | 穗粗/cm | 穗行数 | 行粒数 | 千粒重/g | 产量/kg·hm-2 |
HL | 25.76±1.26a | 5.31±0.27a | 14.56±0.87ab | 41.39±0.96a | 415.88±19.70a | 8525.00±1411.42ab |
YL | 25.42±1.77a | 5.43±0.07a | 14.56±0.16ab | 41.39±2.01a | 423.81±9.66a | 9141.75±1227.94ab |
NJ | 26.53±0.27a | 5.27±0.36a | 14.89±0.42a | 42.17±0.71a | 334.95±41.99b | 5112.88±228.41c |
YJ | 25.51±1.26a | 5.37±0.11a | 14.56±0.16ab | 40.39±1.61a | 428.67±16.44a | 8257.03±437.33b |
HJ | 26.14±0.51a | 5.40±0.05a | 15.17±0.14a | 40.06±0.68a | 432.30±2.01a | 10613.50±1380.44a |
CK | 25.58±0.47a | 5.36±0.03a | 13.64±0.27b | 41.21±1.22a | 329.21±32.39b | 5644.77±565.37c |
Tab. 2
Water consumption characteristics and water use efficiency of maize under different rainfall collection modes"
处理 | 播种前贮水量/mm | 收获后贮水量/mm | 降水量/mm | 耗水量/mm | 水分利用效率/kg·hm-2·mm-1 |
HL | 173.88±12.86d | 225.64±4.46a | 390.51 | 338.76±14.12b | 25.14±3.98ab |
YL | 228.44±4.39bc | 219.92±13.35a | 390.51 | 399.03±11.29a | 22.87±2.63ab |
NJ | 243.40±9.85ab | 222.28±10.98a | 390.51 | 411.63±8.08a | 12.42±0.31c |
YJ | 231.71±6.89bc | 223.18±3.74a | 390.51 | 399.04±4.05a | 20.70±1.17b |
HJ | 226.99±2.65c | 229.05±10.03a | 390.51 | 388.45±7.39a | 27.27±3.09a |
CK | 226.65±2.43c | 212.17±23.39a | 390.51 | 405.00±21.89a | 13.98±1.51c |
Tab. 3
α diversity metrics of soil microbial communities"
处理 | 样本文库覆盖率 | 多样性指数 | 群落丰富度指数 | 群落多样性指数 | |||||
Shannon | Simpson | Chao1 | ACE | Observed_species | PD_whole_tree | ||||
YJ | 0.987±0.001a | 10.03±0.02a | 0.998±0.0000a | 4161±065a | 4216±054a | 3739±60ab | 217±6ab | ||
YL | 0.986±0.002a | 10.10±0.20a | 0.998±0.0006ab | 4296±341a | 4351±328a | 3838±250a | 222±12a | ||
HJ | 0.984±0.006a | 9.98±0.02a | 0.998±0.0006ab | 4405±645a | 4451±613a | 3779±226ab | 223±13a | ||
HL | 0.986±0.001a | 9.98±0.08a | 0.997±0.0006bc | 4161±143a | 4226±135a | 3737±122ab | 218±9ab | ||
NJ | 0.987±0.001a | 9.67±0.08b | 0.996±0.0006bc | 3912±046a | 3979±057a | 3485±71b | 204±2b | ||
CK | 0.986±0.002a | 9.75±0.14b | 0.996±0.0010c | 4082±206a | 4152±187a | 3593±115ab | 210±8ab |
Tab. 4
Correlation coefficients between water content and temperature and dominant strains"
相关指标 | 变形菌门(Proteobacteria) | 酸杆菌门 (Acidobacteri) | 芽单胞菌门 (Gemmatimonadet) | 拟杆菌门(Bacteroidetes) | 放线菌门 (Actinobacteria) |
含水率 | -0.600* | 0.371 | 0.943** | -0.829** | 0.086 |
温度 | -0.143 | -0.086 | 0.600* | -0.829** | -0.143 |
相关指标 | 浮霉菌门(Planctomycetes) | 绿弯菌门 (Chloroflexi) | 疣微菌门 (Verrucomicrobia) | 厚壁菌门 (Firmicutes) | 己科河菌门 (Rokubacteria) |
含水率 | 0.486* | 0.486* | -0.600* | -0.143 | -0.314 |
温度 | 0.200 | 0.314 | -0.086 | 0.200 | -0.771** |
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