Current issue
2019 Vol 42, No.5;
(25 September 2019)
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- System of three scale multi-objective water cycle regulation theory and engineering technology
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 961975 [Abstract ( 353)] [PDF 4178KB] ( 531 )
- Relationship between surface sporepollen and modern vegetation in Xarxili Nature Reserve of Xinjiang
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 986997 [Abstract ( 287)] [PDF 2394KB] ( 189 )
- Calculation of magnitude of snowdrift on highway in its prevention engineering design
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 9981002 [Abstract ( 279)] [PDF 880KB] ( 206 )
- Particle size distribution of aeolian soils in the Mu Us Sandy Land and the influence factors
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10031010 [Abstract ( 429)] [PDF 1317KB] ( 543 )
- Lake central surface sediment-based pollen-vegetation cover transfer functions and its application in Inner Mongolia Plateau and adjacent area
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10111022 [Abstract ( 298)] [PDF 2757KB] ( 328 )
- Soil erosion and geographical environment in dry valley of the middle reaches of Bailong River
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10231028 [Abstract ( 352)] [PDF 2459KB] ( 918 )
Predictability of an extreme heavy rainfall inside the subtropical high pressure in Gansu
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10291037 [Abstract ( 343)] [PDF 2793KB] ( 269 )
- Chemical characteristics and source assessment of atmospheric precipitation in Karamay City
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10381047 [Abstract ( 303)] [PDF 1565KB] ( 195 )
- Characteristic of plant phenology and its response to the hydrothermal conditions over Qinling Mountains
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10481058 [Abstract ( 411)] [PDF 4411KB] ( 527 )
- Spatial-temporal characteristics of drought in Heilongjiang Province based on standardized precipitation index
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10591068 [Abstract ( 382)] [PDF 5533KB] ( 370 )
Temporal and spatial variations of the temperature during the period of “Jiu” in Shanxi Province from 1960 to 2015
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10691077 [Abstract ( 351)] [PDF 2460KB] ( 342 )
Plotting Maucha Diagram based on Matlab and its applications on hydrochemistry
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10691077 [Abstract ( 201)] [PDF 1203KB] ( 194 )
Drought characteristics of winter wheat in different growth stages in the Huang-Huai-Hai Plain of China based on the daily SPEI
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10851093 [Abstract ( 253)] [PDF 3404KB] ( 288 )
- Spatial and temporal characteristics of water requirement and water deficit of wheat in Gansu Province from 1967 to 2017
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 10941104 [Abstract ( 319)] [PDF 3637KB] ( 565 )
- Cropping structure extraction with [WTHX]NDVI[WTHZ] timeseries images in the northern Tianshan Economic Belt
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11051114 [Abstract ( 453)] [PDF 6472KB] ( 431 )
- Predictive soil pH mapping based on fuzzy clustering in typical alpine grassland of Xinjiang
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11151123 [Abstract ( 338)] [PDF 2911KB] ( 290 )
- Spatial and temporal variation of fractional vegetation cover and its relationship with environmental factors in the Qaidam Basin during 2000—2015
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11241132 [Abstract ( 282)] [PDF 3562KB] ( 710 )
- Sand information extraction method based on CART decision tree
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11331140 [Abstract ( 299)] [PDF 2902KB] ( 389 )
- Spatiotemporal variations of urbanization quality in northwest China
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11411152 [Abstract ( 353)] [PDF 5223KB] ( 365 )
- Temporal and spatial evolution and its affecting factors of housing affordability at urban scale in China
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11531165 [Abstract ( 362)] [PDF 3711KB] ( 333 )
- Analysis and prediction of household carbon emission in northwest China
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11661175 [Abstract ( 350)] [PDF 3622KB] ( 248 )
- Evaluation of human settlement environment quality of urban agglomeration in Guanzhong Plain based on grid data
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11761184 [Abstract ( 299)] [PDF 2776KB] ( 345 )
- Farmers’ willingness to participate in ecological compensation based on structural equation model:A case of Yanchi County in Ningxia
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11851194 [Abstract ( 439)] [PDF 1581KB] ( 433 )
- Spatial structure of the retail industry in Xining City based on POI data
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 11951204 [Abstract ( 281)] [PDF 2354KB] ( 550 )
- Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of basic public service mismatch in Urumqi Changji Region
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 12051212 [Abstract ( 356)] [PDF 2364KB] ( 292 )
- Spatial heterogeneity of urban social classes based on housing agency data:Taking Lanzhou City as an example
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 12131220 [Abstract ( 264)] [PDF 1819KB] ( 290 )
- Problems of industrial diversification in resource based areas:Taking Shanxi Province as an example
- 2019 Vol. 42 (5): 12211228 [Abstract ( 301)] [PDF 990KB] ( 341 )