Current issue
2019 Vol 42, No.1;
(25 January 2019)
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- Strategic thinking and spatial layout for the sustainable development of urban agglomeration in northern slope of Tianshan Mountains#br#
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 111 [Abstract ( 1135)] [PDF 2967KB] ( 1212 )
- The characteristics of Xinjiang desert types and its protection and utilization
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 1219 [Abstract ( 750)] [PDF 1431KB] ( 846 )
- Mass balance variation of continental glacier and temperate glacier and their response to climate change in western China: Taking Urumqi Glacier No.1 and Parlung No.94 Glacier as examples
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 2029 [Abstract ( 667)] [PDF 1757KB] ( 595 )
- Grain size characteristic of regional sand-dust accumulation system in southwest of Poyang Lake
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 2937 [Abstract ( 324)] [PDF 7939KB] ( 306 )
- Evaluation and correction of high temperature weather forecast in Shaanxi Province in July 2017 using ECMWF high-resolution model
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 3846 [Abstract ( 503)] [PDF 5449KB] ( 376 )
- Sediment distribution and runoff-sediment relationship in the Shule River Basin
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 4755 [Abstract ( 459)] [PDF 1769KB] ( 656 )
- Temporal-spatial variation characteristics of snow cover in Qilian Mountains from 2001 to 2017
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 5666 [Abstract ( 480)] [PDF 3328KB] ( 624 )
- The macrophysical and microphysical properties of ice clouds during heavy rainfalls in Beijing-Tianjin-Hebei region in summer
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 6776 [Abstract ( 378)] [PDF 3232KB] ( 379 )
- Temporal and spatial distribution characteristics of total precipitable water vapor in Three Mountain Areas of Xinjiang
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 7784 [Abstract ( 445)] [PDF 1739KB] ( 405 )
- The hydrochemical and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic characteristics of water in the low reach of Kherlen River
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 8593 [Abstract ( 329)] [PDF 2802KB] ( 374 )
- The influence of MOS methods of different time scale on temperature forecast in NingXia
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 94102 [Abstract ( 364)] [PDF 1793KB] ( 344 )
- Spatial and temporal changes of potential evapotranspiration and its attribution in the Bosten Lake Basin
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 103112 [Abstract ( 394)] [PDF 2262KB] ( 522 )
- The suitable oasis scale in Manas River Basin in the context of climate change
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 113120 [Abstract ( 297)] [PDF 2623KB] ( 418 )
- Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture on slope land of different vegetation in Jinsha River of Dry-Hot Valley
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 121129 [Abstract ( 322)] [PDF 4392KB] ( 614 )
- Seasonal analysis of wetland landscape in Tarim Populous euphratica Nature Reserve
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 130136 [Abstract ( 426)] [PDF 1689KB] ( 382 )
- Analysis of Driving Forces on Land Desertification in Duolun County Inner Mongolia Based on Logistic Regress Model
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 137143 [Abstract ( 366)] [PDF 1033KB] ( 535 )
- Phenological variation and its relationship with meteorological factors in HulunBuir grasslands
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 144153 [Abstract ( 384)] [PDF 0KB] ( 189 )
- Knowledge structure analysis of drought monitoring using remote sensing technology in China based on CiteSpace
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 154161 [Abstract ( 504)] [PDF 1547KB] ( 442 )
- Vegetation dynamics in response to climate change in Tian Shan, Central Asia from 2000 to 2016
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 162171 [Abstract ( 455)] [PDF 3455KB] ( 582 )
- Monitoring agricultural drought in the Loess Plateau using MODIS and TRMM data
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 172179 [Abstract ( 425)] [PDF 2661KB] ( 508 )
- The measure research of economic relation and space difference of internal Oasis Town Group in Xinjiang
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 180186 [Abstract ( 407)] [PDF 846KB] ( 343 )
- Big data system architecture and implementation approach of tourism culture industry under the “One Belt and One Road” initiative
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 187194 [Abstract ( 583)] [PDF 1899KB] ( 505 )
- Dynamic evolution of landscape pattern and ecological health assessment of Tianshan Natural Heritage Site in Xinjiang
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 195205 [Abstract ( 411)] [PDF 2888KB] ( 480 )
- Spatial distribution characteristics and influencing factors of residential scenic spots: Taking Shanxi residential compound as an example
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 206214 [Abstract ( 466)] [PDF 1706KB] ( 581 )
- Temporal-spatial characteristics of urban flow intensity in Zhejiang Province based on spatial interpolation
- 2019 Vol. 42 (1): 215-222 [Abstract ( 400)] [PDF 4016KB] ( 406 )