Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (12): 2051-2063.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.116
• Earth Surface Process • Previous Articles Next Articles
XIU Xiaomin1,2(), WU Bo1,2,3(
), FEI Bingqiang1,2, YIN Jie1,2, ZHANG Lingguang1,2, LI Jia1,2, PANG Yingjun1,2, JIA Xiaohong1,2
WU Bo;
XIU Xiaomin, WU Bo, FEI Bingqiang, YIN Jie, ZHANG Lingguang, LI Jia, PANG Yingjun, JIA Xiaohong. A Meta-analysis of desertification dynamics in the Mu Us Sandy Land[J].Arid Land Geography, 2024, 47(12): 2051-2063.
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[3] | HE Junqi,WEI Yan,GAO Wande,CHEN Yunfei,MA Yandong,LIU Xiuhua. Temporal and spatial variation of vegetation NDVI and its response to climatic factors in the southeastern margin of Mu Us Sandy Land [J]. Arid Land Geography, 2022, 45(5): 1523-1533. |
[4] | LU Zhuoyu,CUI Jianxin,ZHANG Xiaohong,LI Peng. Historical changes reconstruction of Tonghalake Lake in the Mu Us Sandy Land from Qing Dynasty to Republic of China [J]. Arid Land Geography, 2021, 44(4): 1083-1092. |
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[6] | CUI Ying-ying, ZHOU Ya-li, CHEN Guo-xiang, HUANG Chun-chang, PANG Jiang-Li, YANG Jun-min, YAN Xue-jiao. Mineral quantitative analysis of Mu Us Sandy Land with QEMSCAN [J]. Arid Land Geography, 2020, 43(6): 1505-1513. |
[7] | WANG Long, GAO Guang lei, ZHANG Ying, DING Guo-dong, ZHAO Yuan-yuan, PENG Le. Particle size distribution of aeolian soils in the Mu Us Sandy Land and the influence factors [J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019, 42(5): 1003-1010. |
[8] | ZHANG Pei-yun, WANG Kai, WANG Ge-fei, LIANG Li-wen, ZHANG Shi-qiang. Spatial-temporal changes and factor analysis of surface water in the middle Mu Us Sandy Land areas from 1999 to 2015 [J]. , 2017, 40(3): 633-639. |
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