Arid Land Geography ›› 2022, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (4): 1176-1185.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2021.531
• Earth Information Sciences • Previous Articles Next Articles
DAI Yunhao1(),GUAN Yao1,ZHANG Qinkai1,SUN Junjie1,HE Xinghong1,2(
Xinghong HE;
DAI Yunhao,GUAN Yao,ZHANG Qinkai,SUN Junjie,HE Xinghong. Remote sensing monitoring and temporal and spatial characteristics of soil salinization in Aral Reclamation Area[J].Arid Land Geography, 2022, 45(4): 1176-1185.
Tab. 4
Transfer matrix of soil salinization area in Aral Reclamation Area from 2011 to 2021 /km2"
土壤盐渍化等级 | 2011年 | |||||
非盐渍土 | 轻度盐渍土 | 中度盐渍土 | 重度盐渍土 | 盐土 | ||
2021年 | 非盐渍土 | 758.50 | 107.67 | 155.89 | 183.29 | 51.11 |
轻度盐渍土 | 87.83 | 39.14 | 60.40 | 51.07 | 8.65 | |
中度盐渍土 | 58.94 | 40.45 | 99.71 | 105.19 | 15.31 | |
重度盐渍土 | 43.58 | 20.56 | 70.42 | 392.91 | 140.02 | |
盐土 | 19.10 | 3.35 | 7.12 | 94.15 | 506.45 |
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