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Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (10): 1713-1723.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.198

• Climatology and Hydrology • Previous Articles     Next Articles

Assessment of lightning hazard in grasslands and forests in “Three River Source” region based on spatial grids

XIE Jie1(), DAI Qingcuo1(), MA Yufang1, SUN Furong1, LI Zixuan1, LI Qianying2   

  1. 1. Qinghai Meteorological Service Center, Xining 810001, Qinghai, China
    2. 96742 Military Meteorological Observatory, Datong 810100, Qinghai, China
  • Received:2024-03-26 Revised:2024-06-05 Online:2024-10-25 Published:2024-11-27
  • Contact: DAI Qingcuo;


Lightning disasters in “Three River Source” region, Qinghai Province, China resulted in the most severe casualties in June, primarily between 12:00 and 20:00. The highest number of casualties occurred around 16:00, with the most fatalities due to lightning strikes around 17:00. The areas of Nangqen County, Zadoi County, Yushu City in the Yushu Prefecture, and gade in the Golog Prefecture experienced a higher proportion of casualties. The highest flash densities in “Three River Source” region were concentrated in the southern parts of Yushu Prefecture and Golog Prefecture, while the highest ground flash intensities were observed in the eastern and southern parts of Golog Prefecture and the southern part of Yushu Prefecture. Lightning disasters were most densely concentrated in the central and eastern areas of Golog Prefecture and the central and southern parts of Yushu Prefecture. The high-risk areas for lightning disasters were distributed across Zhaoxiao Township, Maozhuang Township, Dongba Township, Niangla Township, Jinisai Township in Nangqen County, and Xialaxiu Town in Yushu City, Yushu Prefecture, as well as Baima County, Jigzhi County, Wa’erji Township, and Laga Town in Maqen County, Golog Prefecture. The high-risk areas for grassland lightning hazards were mainly located in the western and southern parts of Yushu Prefecture, and the southern and central eastern parts of Golog Prefecture. Forest lightning risks were concentrated in the southeastern part of Yushu Prefecture and the southern and northeastern parts of Golog Prefecture. The analysis showed a negative correlation between lightning disasters and altitude, while terrain undulation and slope were positively correlated with these events. By assessing the risk of lightning disasters in the grasslands and forests of Yushu Prefecture and Golog Prefecture within the “Three River Source” region, a solid foundation is established for effective lightning disaster prevention.

Key words: “Three River Source” region, Yushu Prefecture and Golog Prefecture, grassland and forest, thunder and lightning, hazard