Formation and dissipation processes of a severe atmospheric pollution in north China under the influence of dust

  • School of Environment and Planning, Liaocheng University, Liaocheng 252059, Shandong, China

Received date: 2018-06-28

  Revised date: 2018-10-11


Air quality has been widely concerned for it exerts great influences on the people's health as well as the quality of their living environment.The more and more frequent and severe atmospheric pollution occurred in North China has brought lots of worries and concerns.To curb atmospheric pollution,we should have a clear understanding of its formation,dissipation process and its influencing factors.Based on data of pollutants (PM10,PM2.5,SO2,NO2,CO,O3), AQI (air quality index),and meteorological data of 9 cities (Beijing City,Tianjin City,Langfang City,Shijiazhuang City,Baoding City,Xingtai City,Cangzhou City,Dezhou City,Handan City) collected from Chinese Meteorologic website,using research methods of Hybrid Single Particle Lagrangian Integrated Trajectory Model (HYSPLIT) and Principal Component Analysis (PCA),we chose a severe atmospheric pollution happened from May 4 to May 5, 2017 in North China as an example to discuss the variations in pollutant concentration,the source and transportation of pollutants,meteorologic factors that governed the pollution.The results show as follows:(1) the pollutant of PM10 was the major pollutant, and it was exogenous,the pollutants such as SO2, NO2 that related closely to human activities remained at a low level. Sand dust weather was the meteorological condition for the heavy pollution in North China. The transport channel of pollutants was the Northwest Airflow resulted from the cold anticyclone in Mongolia Plateau. (2) This atmospheric pollution was very serious,which has great influence on the region.The concentration of PM10 was as high as 1 000 g·m-3 in all of the 9 cities,and lasted over 20 hours. (3) Under the influence of sand dust weather,the processes of formation and dissipation of pollution presented the characteristics of forming sharply and dissipating rapidly. (4) Under the influence of the northwest airflow,the cities in the north and west of this region were affected by sand dust earlier than those in the south and east.In addition,the concentration of pollutants in cities with close spatial locations showed obvious consistent trend and time lag,as well as the characteristics of pollutant accumulation.

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ZHANG Ya-ru, CHEN Yong-jin, LIU Yong-fang, LIU Zhi-yuan, LIU Yong-chang, SUN Tong . Formation and dissipation processes of a severe atmospheric pollution in north China under the influence of dust[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2018 , 41(6) : 1241 -1250 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2018.06.11


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