Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (9): 1530-1541.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.261
• Biology and Pedology • Previous Articles Next Articles
FAN Lin1,2(), NIU Yu3, ZHANG Faqi3(
FAN Lin, NIU Yu, ZHANG Faqi. Vegetation types and distribution in the evaluation area of Qinghai area of Kunlun Mountain National Park[J].Arid Land Geography, 2024, 47(9): 1530-1541.
Tab. 1
Vegetation types in the evaluation area of Qinghai area of Kunlun Mountain National Park"
植被型组 | 植被型 | 植被亚型 | 群系 | 群系 面积/km2 |
森林 | 常绿针叶林 | 寒温带和温带山地针叶林 | 1.祁连圆柏林(Form. Juniperus przewalskii) | 41.25 |
落叶阔叶林 | 温带落叶阔叶林 | 2.青杨林(Form. Populus cathayana) | 3.22 | |
灌丛 | 落叶阔叶灌丛 | 温带落叶灌丛 | 3.具鳞水柏枝灌丛(Form. Myricaria squamosa) | 161.20 |
亚高山落叶阔叶灌丛 | 4.密齿柳灌丛(Form. Salix characta) | 44.86 | ||
5.金露梅灌丛(Form. Dasiphora fruticosa) | 320.07 | |||
6.小叶金露梅灌丛(Form. Dasiphora parvifolia) | 322.40 | |||
7.匍匐水柏枝灌丛(Form. Myricaria prostrata) | 532.93 | |||
草本植被 (草地) | 草原 | 温带丛生禾草草原 | 8.芨芨草草原(Form. Neotrinia splendens) | 235.28 |
禾草、薹草高寒草原 | 9.紫花针茅草原(Form. Stipa purpurea) | 19883.32 | ||
10.草地早熟禾+垫状点地梅草原(Form. Poa pratensis+Androsace tapete) | 21.29 | |||
11.青藏薹草草原(Form. Carex moorcroftii) | 473.25 | |||
12.青藏薹草+紫花针茅草原(Form. Carex moorcroftii+Stipa purpurea) | 430.52 | |||
草甸 | 禾草、杂类草盐生草甸 | 13.芦苇+白麻草甸(Form. Phragmites australis+Apocynum pictum) | 97.85 | |
嵩草、杂类草高寒草甸 | 14.高山嵩草草甸(Form. Carex parvula) | 8140.14 | ||
15.高山嵩草+紫花针茅草甸(Form. Carex parvula+Stipa purpurea) | 781.71 | |||
16.线叶嵩草草甸(Form. Carex capillifolia) | 267.26 | |||
17.西藏嵩草+高山薹草草甸(Form. Carex tibetikobresia+Carex pseudosupina) | 130.28 | |||
18.高原嵩草草甸(Form. Carex coninux) | 219.73 | |||
19.青海早熟禾+扇穗茅草甸(Form. Poa qinghaiensis+Littledalea racemosa) | 1275.27 | |||
荒漠 | 半乔木与灌木荒漠 | 矮半乔木荒漠 | 20.梭梭荒漠(Form. Haloxylon ammodendron) | 108.78 |
半灌木与草本荒漠 | 垫状矮半灌木高寒荒漠 | 21.垫状驼绒藜荒漠(Form. Krascheninnikovia compacta) | 73.13 | |
灌木荒漠 | 22.膜果麻黄荒漠(Form. Ephedra przewalskii) | 300.25 | ||
23.小叶金露梅荒漠(Form. Dasiphora parvifolia) | 1333.17 | |||
24.具鳞水柏枝荒漠(Form. Myricaria squamosa) | 161.20 | |||
25.小果白刺荒漠(Form. Nitraria sibirica) | 308.92 | |||
半灌木、矮半灌木荒漠 | 26.驼绒藜荒漠(Form. Krascheninnikovia ceratoides) | 155.67 | ||
27.蒿叶猪毛菜荒漠(Form. Oreosalsola abrotanoides) | 5565.45 | |||
28.合头藜荒漠(Form. Sympegma regelii) | 188.77 | |||
29.沙蒿荒漠(Form. Artemisia desertorum) | 0.93 | |||
30.蒿叶猪毛菜+驼绒藜荒漠(Form. Oreosalsola abrotanoides+Krascheninnikovia ceratoides) | 2.99 | |||
31.蒿叶猪毛菜+小果白刺荒漠(Form. Oreosalsola abrotanoides+Nitraria sibirica) | 459.99 | |||
多汁盐生矮半灌木荒漠 | 32.盐爪爪荒漠(Form. Kalidium foliatum) | 2016.67 | ||
高山冻原与 稀疏植被 | 高山垫状植被 | 高山垫状植被 | 33.藓状雪灵芝+垫状点地梅垫状植被(Form. Eremogone bryophylla+Androsace tapete) | 261.73 |
高山稀疏植被 | 高山稀疏植被 | 34.水母雪兔子+唐古红景天+矮垂头菊稀疏植被(Form. Saussurea medusa+Rhodiola tangutica+Cremanthodium humile) | 3620.96 | |
沼泽与水 生植被 | 草本与苔藓沼泽 | 草本与苔藓沼泽 | 35.海韭菜+水麦冬草本沼泽(Form. Triglochin maritima+Triglochin palustris) | 14.22 |
无植被地段 | 无植被地段 | 无植被地段 | 36.无植被地段 | 10589.12 |
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