Arid Land Geography ›› 2022, Vol. 45 ›› Issue (6): 1685-1694.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.130
• Climatology and Hydrology • Previous Articles Next Articles
ZHANG Zhigao1(),XU Xiaoman2,GUO Chaofan1,CAI Maotang3(
),YUAN Zheng4,ZHANG Mingzhe1
Maotang CAI;
ZHANG Zhigao, XU Xiaoman, GUO Chaofan, CAI Maotang, YUAN Zheng, ZHANG Mingzhe. Spatial and temporal characteristics and influencing factors of frost date in the Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2020[J].Arid Land Geography, 2022, 45(6): 1685-1694.
Tab. 1
Inter-decadal variations of the first, last frost dates and the frost-free period in the Yellow River Basin"
年代 | 初霜日 | 终霜日 | 无霜期/d | |||||
平均初霜日(月-日) | 距平 | 平均终霜日(月-日) | 距平 | 均值 | 距平 | |||
1960—1969 | 10-05 | -3 | 05-01 | 1 | 155 | -6 | ||
1970—1979 | 10-04 | -4 | 05-06 | 6 | 150 | -11 | ||
1980—1989 | 10-06 | -2 | 05-01 | 1 | 158 | -3 | ||
1990—1999 | 10-05 | -3 | 04-30 | 0 | 157 | -4 | ||
2000—2009 | 10-13 | 5 | 04-26 | -4 | 169 | 8 | ||
2010—2020 | 10-17 | 9 | 04-23 | -7 | 176 | 15 |
Tab. 2
Variations of the first, last frost dates and the frost-free period in upper, middle, lower reaches of the Yellow River Basin from 1960 to 2020"
地区 | 初霜日 | 终霜日 | 无霜期 | |||||
平均初霜日(月-日) | 倾向率/d·(10a)-1 | 平均终霜日(月-日) | 倾向率/d·(10a)-1 | 均值/d | 倾向率/d·(10a)-1 | |||
上游地区 | 09-24 | 2.64 | 05-13 | -1.63 | 132 | 4.22 | ||
中游地区 | 10-16 | 2.23 | 04-23 | -2.37 | 175 | 4.59 | ||
下游地区 | 10-31 | 2.76 | 04-06 | -2.33 | 207 | 5.05 |
Tab. 3
Relationships of the first, last frost dates and the frost-free period with the geographical parameters and average temperature in the Yellow River Basin"
因素 | 影响因子 | 初霜日 | 终霜日 | 无霜期 |
相关系数 | 海拔高度 | -0.892** | 0.835** | -0.882** |
经度 | 0.641** | -0.637** | 0.653** | |
纬度 | -0.205 | 0.341** | -0.269** | |
日平均气温 | 0.965** | -0.938** | 0.968** | |
回归系数 | 海拔高度 | -0.020 | 0.017 | -0.037 |
经度 | 2.994 | -2.655 | 5.713 | |
纬度 | -2.185 | 3.243 | -5.372 | |
日平均气温 | 5.137 | -4.455 | 9.647 |
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