Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (10): 1781-1793.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.050
• Regional Development • Previous Articles Next Articles
SHI Haijin1(), ZHAO Xinzheng1,2,3,4(
), LI Xiangxiang1, HUANG Yuzhong1, YU Xing1, XIANGLI Bochen1
ZHAO Xinzheng;
SHI Haijin, ZHAO Xinzheng, LI Xiangxiang, HUANG Yuzhong, YU Xing, XIANGLI Bochen. Spatio-temporal pattern of urban-rural income gap in the Yellow River Basin and its response to urbanization[J].Arid Land Geography, 2024, 47(10): 1781-1793.
Tab. 3
Model regression results"
变量 | OLS模型1 | SLM模型2 | SLM模型3 |
(lnui)2 | -1.1745*** (0.1177) | -1.1448*** (0.1149) | -1.1138*** (0.1166) |
lnui | -3.2045*** (0.2339) | -2.9685*** (0.2459) | -3.0231*** (0.2223) |
lnesin | -0.5754** (0.2671) | 0.3741 (0.2747) | |
lnfaipi | -0.0909*** (0.0303) | -0.0991*** (0.0306) | |
lnpbea | 0.0779 (0.0513) | -0.1271** (0.0608) | |
lnhmpa | -0.1453*** (0.0287) | -0.1090*** (0.0323) | |
AIC | 370.7102 | 359.3769 | |
BIC | 396.7294 | 389.1132 | |
R-sq | 0.59 | 0.58 |
Tab. 4
Examining heterogeneity of urbanization levels on urban-rural income gap in the Yellow River Basin from 2005 to 2020"
变量 | 黄河流域上游 | 黄河流域中游 | 黄河流域下游 |
(lnui)2 | -1.1411*** (0.1710) | -0.9182*** (0.2726) | -0.3988 (0.3507) |
lnui | -3.0147*** (0.3880) | -2.2709*** (0.5491) | -1.0993* (0.6349) |
lnesin | 0.0932 (0.4016) | -1.4921** (0.7290) | 1.0006* (0.5938) |
lnfaipi | -0.0593 (0.0640) | -0.1025** (0.0476) | -0.0494 (0.0342) |
lnpbea | -0.1846** (0.0918) | -0.1218 (0.1081) | -0.3446** (0.1501) |
lnhmpa | -0.1470*** (0.0538) | -0.3776*** (0.1094) | -0.1206 (0.1361) |
Tab. 5
Spatial spillover effect results"
变量 | 直接效应 | 间接效应 | 总效应 | |||||
系数 | Z值 | 系数 | Z值 | 系数 | Z值 | |||
(lnui)2 | -1.1375*** | -9.90 | -0.4821*** | -3.29 | -1.6196*** | -7.10 | ||
lnui | -2.8861*** | -11.97 | -1.2198*** | -3.44 | -4.1059*** | -8.19 | ||
lnesin | 0.3580 | 1.33 | 0.1499 | 1.20 | 0.5079 | 1.31 | ||
lnfaipi | -0.1058*** | -3.31 | -0.0444** | -2.48 | -0.1503 | -3.21 | ||
lnpbea | -0.1132* | -1.72 | -0.0465 | -1.49 | -0.1597* | -1.69 | ||
lnhmpa | -0.0975*** | -3.34 | -0.0404*** | -2.60 | -0.1379*** | -3.36 |
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