Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (1): 93-103.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.323
• Ecology and Environment • Previous Articles Next Articles
WANG Songmao(),NING Wenping,NIU Jinlan,AN Kang(
WANG Songmao, NING Wenping, NIU Jinlan, AN Kang. Spatiotemporal differentiation and convergence of urban ecological resilience in the Yellow River Basin: An empirical analysis based on 61 cities in seven major urban agglomerations[J].Arid Land Geography, 2024, 47(1): 93-103.
Tab. 1
Urban ecological resilience evaluation index system"
目标层 | 一级指标 | 代码 | 二级指标 | 属性 | 权重/% |
城市生态韧性 | 抵抗维度 | RS1 | 人均水资源量/m3·人-1 | + | 8.98 |
RS2 | 人均绿地面积/m2 | + | 5.81 | ||
RS3 | 归一化植被指数/% | + | 1.73 | ||
RS4 | 空气优良天数/d | + | 1.43 | ||
响应维度 | RS5 | 建成区绿化覆盖率/% | + | 0.35 | |
RP6 | 一般工业固体废弃物综合利用率/% | + | 1.44 | ||
RP7 | 污水处理厂集中处理率/% | + | 1.07 | ||
RP8 | 生活垃圾无害化处理率/% | + | 0.53 | ||
RP9 | 环保占财政支出的比重/% | + | 21.40 | ||
创新维度 | IN10 | R&D经费投入占GDP的比重/% | + | 26.03 | |
IN11 | 专利授权数量/个 | + | 16.67 | ||
IN12 | 每万人在校大学生数/人 | + | 14.57 |
Tab. 2
Absolute β convergence of urban ecological resilience of urban agglomeration in the Yellow River Basin"
区域 | 总体 | 中原 | 晋中 | 关中平原 | 呼包鄂榆 | 宁夏沿黄 | 兰西 | 山东半岛 |
模型类型 | 双固定SDM模型 | 空间固定OLS模型 | 空间固定OLS模型 | 双固定SAR模型 | 时间固定OLS模型 | 双固定SEM模型 | 空间固定OLS模型 | 时间固定SEM模型 |
β | -0.233* (-1.756) | -0.125*** (-3.652) | -0.235*** (-4.078) | -0.187** (-1.997) | -0.129*** (-4.028) | -0.217** (-2.187) | -0.233*** (-3.905) | -0.206*** (-4.452) |
θ | 0.4107*** (4.572) | - | - | - | - | - | - | - |
ρ或λ | 0.237** (2.153) | - | - | 0.109 (1.427) | - | 0.272* (1.658) | - | 0.232** (1.983) |
R2 | 0.307 | 0.292 | 0.371 | 0.196 | 0.235 | 0.271 | 0.302 | 0.335 |
Log-Likelihood | 357.238 | 236.579 | 311.206 | 289.067 | 177.535 | 198.282 | 206.567 | 463.720 |
空间固定效应 | 238.563*** | 68.230*** | 35.679*** | 22.681*** | 29.053 | 18.539*** | 61.815*** | 34.625 |
时间固定效应 | 147.758*** | 54.276 | 41.508 | 18.837 | 16.972*** | 25.636*** | 50.571 | 29.876*** |
Hausman检验 | 202.575*** | 38.631*** | 27.818*** | 31.580*** | 17.932*** | 52.077*** | 18.528*** | 30.252*** |
R-LM(SAR模型) | 26.307*** | 7.602 | 4.375 | 10.528*** | 3.061 | 0.538 | 4.724 | 11.536 |
R-LM(SEM模型) | 18.236** | 5.931 | 6.963 | 13.642 | 7.371 | 1.573*** | 8.906 | 15.637*** |
Tab. 3
Condition β convergence of urban ecological resilience of urban agglomeration in the Yellow River Basin"
区域 | 总体 | 中原 | 晋中 | 关中平原 | 呼包鄂榆 | 宁夏沿黄 | 兰西 | 山东半岛 |
模型类型 | 双固定SDM模型 | 双固定OLS模型 | 空间固定OLS模型 | 时间固定SAR模型 | 空间固定SEM模型 | 双固定OLS模型 | 空间固定OLS模型 | 时间固定SEM模型 |
β | -0.308*** (-4.022) | -0.217*** (-3.908) | -0.268*** (-4.340) | -0.196*** (-4.023) | -0.229*** (-5.135) | -0.236** (-2.072) | -0.267*** (-3.508) | -0.237*** (-3.826) |
ECO | -0.209* (-1.693) | -0.231*** (-1.627) | 0.151** (2.078) | 0.217 (0.627) | -0.228*** (-3.701) | 0.211* (1.608) | 0.152 (0.199) | -0.262*** (-3.627) |
PDE | 0.171* (1.838) | 0.273* (1.762) | 0.151 (0.529) | 0.189*** (3.267) | 0.256** (1.937) | 0.166* (1.880) | 0.151 (0.538) | 0.168 (1.260) |
IND | 0.182 (1.307) | 0.177 (1.085) | 0.166 (0.931) | 0.172 (0.833) | 0.116** (1.921) | 0.147 (1.299) | 0.139 (1.377) | 0.170 (0.050) |
TEC | -0.134*** (-4.801) | 0.168 (1.053) | -0.120** (-1.923) | 0.129 (1.118) | 0.134 (0.847) | 0.152 (1.053) | -0.147** (-1.806) | -0.138*** (-4.135) |
ER | -0.196*** (-4.352) | -0.188** (-2.136) | -0.201** (-2.369) | 0.209 (1.784) | 0.101 (0.674) | -0.186** (-1.991) | 0.201 (0.707) | -0.209* (-3.635) |
ρ或λ | 0.207*** (3.095) | - | - | 0.219* (1.618) | 0.198** (1.996) | - | - | 0.193*** (2.782) |
R2 | 0.312 | 0.273 | 0.338 | 0.362 | 0.288 | 0.363 | 0.258 | 0.326 |
Log-Likelihood | 443.523 | 367.325 | 298.306 | 123.387 | 423.783 | 353.128 | 266.574 | 435.958 |
空间固定效应 | 312.026*** | 73.873*** | 40.515*** | 31.509 | 40.636*** | 36.744*** | 50.871** | 42.865 |
时间固定效应 | 186.509*** | 66.322*** | 37.337 | 25.426*** | 52.965 | 40.089*** | 73.635 | 37.925*** |
Hausman检验 | 263.176*** | 56.227*** | 27.818*** | 34.077*** | 29.506*** | 68.361*** | 28.305*** | 37.519*** |
R-LM(SAR模型) | 35.215*** | 10.709 | 8.602 | 21.667*** | 9.569 | 3.276 | 7.947 | 13.216 |
R-LM(SEM模型) | 27.024** | 6.253 | 6.841 | 18.509 | 6.872*** | 6.253 | 6.256 | 16.508*** |
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