Simulation and dynamic change of carbon source/sink in the typical grassland communities in the Three River Source Area from 2001 to 2017

  • Chongqing Jiaotong University,College of Architecture and Urban Planning,Chongqing 400074, China

Received date: 2019-01-23

  Revised date: 2020-06-02

  Online published: 2020-11-25


In this paper, five typical grassland communities (Potentilla fruticosa, Stipa purpurea, Saussurea japonica, Kobresia pygmaea, and Carex moorcroftii communities) in the Three River Source Area, Qinghai Province, China were selected as research objects. Basic geographic data, meteorological data, and vegetation physiological parameters data were used to estimate the net primary productivity (NPP) and the net ecosystem productivity (NEP) in these grassland communities from 2001 to 2017 based on the BIOME-BGC model. This paper also investigated the change characteristics of NPP and NEP and their correlation with temperature and precipitation. The characteristics of the change of the carbon use efficiency (CUE) were also explored. Results showed that the spatial pattern of the values of NPP and NEP in the Three River Source Area reduced gradually from southeast to northwest. The multi-year average value of NPP in 5 typical grassland communities was 196.06 g C·m-2·a-1, which showed an increasing trend year by year. Among them, the annual average value of NPP in Potentilla fruticosa was the highest (342.00 g C·m-2·a-1), and the annual average value of NPP in Carex moorcroftii seagrass was the lowest (55.93 g C·m- 2 ·a- 1). The annual mean value of NEP of the five grassland communities was 49.02 g C·m- 2 ·a- 1. The NEP values of Potentilla fruticosa, Stipa purpurea and Carex moorcroftii increased slowly, while the NEP values of Saussurea japonica and Kobresia pygmaea decreased slowly. Therefore, the grassland ecosystem in the Three River Source Area has significant carbon sequestration function of absorbing CO2. A significant positive correlation between NPP and temperature was observed, while a low correlation between NPP, NEP, and precipitation existed. All the five communities have great potential for carbon sequestration. The carbon utilization rate of other vegetation communities was above 0.625, except the Potentilla fruticosa.

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CHEN Xue-jiao, ZHOU Wei, YANG Han . Simulation and dynamic change of carbon source/sink in the typical grassland communities in the Three River Source Area from 2001 to 2017[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2020 , 43(6) : 1583 -1592 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.06.20


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