At present,the overall level of urbanization in Xinjiang,China is relatively low,socioeconomic and urban-rural development is imbalanced,and the level of comprehensive public services lags behind those in eastern and central provinces of China. Analyzing the relationship between public services and urban-rural development as well as exploring the asymmetries between urban-rural regions will help optimize the coordination of resources,labor,capital,culture,information,and other elements dividing urban and rural regions,thus supporting the formulation of regional economic,urbanization,and public service policies based on scientific data. This paper is based on the principles of fairness,efficiency,and coordination of public service resources and combines analytic hierarchy process,entropy,and the cluster analysis method to establish a public service resource allocation and urban-rural mutual benefit evaluation index system for Xinjiang. In addition,this paper reveals the general and spatial characteristics of the coupling coordination degree between urban and rural areas by using the coupled coordination model. The results demonstrated that the fairness of spatial allocation of different types of public service facilities in different study units is different,and that spatial unfairness is more severe than population unfairness. The comprehensive benefits of public service resources and the urban-rural interaction development level can be divided into three types:low,general (medium),and high. Spatial differentiation characteristics show that the southeast area is bigger than the northwest area,and the urban-rural interaction level of the Tianshan North Slope Economic Belt is higher. Most of the study area is undergoing a period of transitional development of mutual integration and run-in between the urban-rural interaction and public services. Moreover,few regions are undergoing a period of imbalance or recession where the two systems are mutually constrained. This paper further proposes measures to establish and improve an interactive urban-rural public service system,build a large,medium,and small multi-level urban spatial arrangement,strive for national policy support,and continue to improve and develop new basic public service growth points. Therefore,this study can help ensure the fairness and efficiency of the survival and development of urban and rural residents,while also promoting the coordinated development of public services and urban-rural interaction.
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