This paper used spatial descriptive statistics,spatial
interpolation,spatial autocorrelation,standard deviation ellipse,and gravity
center analysis methods to explore and compare pollution types,development
trends,agglomeration,and migration characteristics of air quality in China from
an annual,quarterly,monthly,and daily perspective.Many studies have focused on
the spatiotemporal evolution pattern of air quality in China.However,there are
only a few articles that show the highest historical statistical average values
in northwestern region,especially high PM2.5 anomalies in Xinjiang.However,the time and causes of such high
anomalies,pollution factors,and people’s contribution to PM2.5 have not been discussed.Air quality research mainly uses remote sensing
inversion data and nearearth monitoring data.In the
desert,arid,and semi-arid regions of
western China,dust is often removed
during remote sensing inversion data processing,and the concentration of
respirable suspended particulates is obviously underestimated.The study results
of near-earth
monitoring data are greatly affected by the number of monitoring stations and
their regional distribution.Air quality monitoring stations in China are mainly
concentrated in the highly urbanized eastern-central
regions,while the western region is rarely included in air quality
monitoring.There are gaps in research in northwestern region,especially in the
Tarim Basin,due to some flaws in data itself and limited access.Since 2016,the
National Environmental Monitoring Center of China has expanded its coverage to
more western cities and can to obtain several times the previous air quality
monitoring data.This paper used the near-earth
air quality monitoring data from 1 484 stations in 366 cities in China from
2016 to 2017 to maximize coverage of the western region and to identify
pollutants in northwest hotspots.The study found that the western region could
be divided into three sub-regions based on
interpolation.The coastal and mountainous areas show a significant positive
response to excellent air quality areas .Shanxi is the largest province with
pollution aggravation mainly affected by SO2 concentration,while
Beijing and Henan are the provinces that obviously improved pollution mainly by
treating the adverse impact of PM2.5.The overall distribution
pattern is dominated by western Xinjiang and Hebei-Shandong-Henan,forming
a significant dual nuclear high-value clustering
model.The Hu Huanyong line is the boundary between east-west
China’s air pollution and the Yangtze River is the
boundary line.The air quality clustering feature in the north is obviously
worse than that in the south,and in the east,it is significantly denser than
that in the west.Agglomeration is greatly affected by temperature zoning.The
overall air quality distribution is oriented in the NE-SW
direction,and the gravity transfer center is distributed in Henan
Province,mainly moving to the northeast.This distribution change redefines its
seasonal differentiation.The main pollution sources in the whole country are PM10 and PM2.5. PM10 is
mainly distributed in Xinjiang,and is strongly affected by natural factors due
to dust pollution.PM2.5 is mainly distributed in
Central China,Northern China,and Northern Jiangsu,which are mainly affected by
man-made economic activities.In addition,as for
urban composite air pollution,the
mechanism of interaction between air pollution in the city and its surrounding
is a further issue to be explored in the future.
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