Geographical exploration of the spatial pattern of the surface-temperature and its influencing factors in western Sichuan-Plateau:A case of Xichang City

  • Institute of Geography and Resources Science,Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610068,Sichuan,China;Key Laboratory of Land Resources Evaluation and Monitoring in Southwest China,Ministry of Education, Sichuan Normal University,Chengdu 610068,Sichuan,China

Received date: 2019-05-20

  Revised date: 2019-11-19

  Online published: 2020-06-16


In this paper,the 2010 and 2015 Landsat series satellite images of Xichang City,Sichuan,China have been used.To obtain the 2010 and 2015 land use information of Xichang City,the maximum likelihood method of the supervision classification,the Google Earth high resolution images,and the GPS field verification data were utilized with the help of the “3S technology.Next,the 2010 and 2015 surface temperature of Xichang City was inversely studied by the atmospheric correction method,and the high-temperature anomaly areas were verified by the field investigation.Finally,the geographical detector technique was adopted to quantitatively analyze the influence of nine factors,such as slope,total radiation,aspect,elevation,average annual precipitation,average annual temperature,vegetation type,soil type,and land use type on surface temperature.The results showed as follows:(1) the difference of the LST spatial distribution is remarkable.(2) the effects of the influencing factors on LST are different; the influences of altitude and annual temperature are more obvious while the total radiation has the least impact.(3) the factors that influence LST interact with each other.In general,LST is enhanced linearly or nonlinearly by the interaction of influencing factors,and (4) the influencing factors have significant differences based on surface temperature.For the highest mean value of surface temperature,the ranges or types of influencing factors will be different.

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LUO Yao, PENG Weng-fu, DONG Yong-bo, LUO Yan-mei, ZHANG Dong-mei .

Geographical exploration of the spatial pattern of the surface-temperature and its influencing factors in western Sichuan-Plateau:A case of Xichang City[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2020 , 43(3) : 738 -749 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.03.20


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