Tourism development, as an effective way to alleviate poverty, has attracted attention from governments of different
levels and people of all walks of life in China. Therefore, it is urgent to make scientific assessment of the
poverty alleviation effect brought about by tourism development so as to
provide useful reference for making practical policy on poverty alleviation
through tourism. Based on the panel
data from 2000 to 2015 in 31 provinces in China (including municipalities and
autonomous regions), this paper assesses
the levels of the tourism development in different areas by using entropy
method and investigates into the poverty alleviation effect of tourism in those
areas by adopting panel threshold model. The results are as follows: (1) Tourism development
shows significant poverty alleviation effect. On condition that the control variable is considered, the overall Engel’s Coefficient declines along with the improvement of
tourism development levels. However, there is threshold effect according to different
tourism development levels. (2) The tourism development levels show significant
territorial diversity. The high section
mainly consists of provinces in the eastern coastal region, while the low and middle-lower sections mainly consist of the provinces in the
central and western regions. Nevertheless, the poverty alleviation effect of tourism development
shows a tendency of “east-middle-west” stepwise increase. (3)With the improvement of tourism
development levels, the poverty
alleviation effect shows a gradual convergence of marginal decrease, that is to say, the maximum poverty alleviation effect happens when
the tourism development level is in the low section, the poverty alleviation effect of the tourism
development whose level belongs to the middle-lower section takes the second place, the poverty alleviation effect is insignificant when
the tourism development level belongs to the middle-higher section, and the poverty alleviation effect of tourism
development whose level belongs to the high section declines further. On the whole, the poverty alleviation effect of the different
tourism development levels thus declines in the shape of an inverted “J”.Therefore, the positive effect of tourism development on poverty
alleviation needs to be emphasized and made full use of, and stages of tourism development need to be
accurately recognized so as to make differential policies on poverty
alleviation through tourism accordingly; at the same time, the role and function of governments needs to be
adjusted in time, multi-agent profit distribution coordination mechanism needs
to be constructed, and precautions need
to be taken against poverty or repoverty of the poor caused by market rules so
that maximum and targeted poverty alleviation through tourism can be achieved.
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