Effects of different planting years of Suaeda salsa on the soil ions distribution in saline-sodic soil under drip irrigation

  • 1 State Key Laboratory of Desert and Oasis Ecology,Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011,Xinjiang,China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China; 3 Landscaping Administration Bureau of Karamay District,Karamay 834000,Xinjiang,China

Received date: 2019-05-24

  Revised date: 2019-10-27

  Online published: 2020-01-05


Soil salinization is a serious hazard of agriculture in agricultural exploitation regions of Karamay City, Xinjiang, China.The effects of different planting years on the soil ions distribution in 0-120 cm soil profile under drip irrigation were investigated by the method of timespace transformation. The results showed that the soil salt distribution in soil profile was significantly affected by planting years. The soil salinity in the upper layers (0-40 cmof the soil was decreased gradually with the increase of planting years, while the soil salinity in the lower layer40-120 cmwas increased first then decreased. It is easy for Na+ and Cl- to be leached and their selective uptake by the plant is abundant, and thus their contents were decreased considerably along with the increase of the planting age. The decreasing rates of the two ions in upper layer soil were all above 49% after three planting years. Since it was hard for Ca2+ and SO42- to move with water, the speed in leaching these two ions was slow. The speed in leaching Mg2+ was higher than that of Ca2+.The leaching effect of HCO3-contents in the soil was influenced by hydrated radius, and was better in the second and the third planting years if compared with the first year. The percentage of Na+ and Cl- in salt content of upper layers was decreased while the percentage of Ca2+ was increased, and the SAR value and the soil salinity decreased significantly after three planting years. The research results pointed out that the characteristics of soil salinity and salt ions distribution in salt affected field was changed after planting Suaeda salsa under drip irrigation, the soil environment of root zone was improved which provided a good foundation in the future land use. The innovation of paper is to reveal the distribution of soil salinity and salt ions in the salt-affected field by planting Suaeda salsa under drip irrigation based on the investigation and analysis of 7 indicators for 210 soil samples. The previous researches mostly focused on the change of soil salinity and salt ions after planting halophytes, but few researches studied the characteristics of soil salinity and salt ions distribution. The result provided useful information for a seasonable reclamation of saline-sodic soil by planting Suaeda salsa.

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WANG Xu, TIAN Chang-yan, ZHAO Zhen-yong, ZHANG Ke, LI Yan-hong . Effects of different planting years of Suaeda salsa on the soil ions distribution in saline-sodic soil under drip irrigation[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2020 , 43(1) : 211 -217 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2020.01.24


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