In this study,a comprehensive analysis on the dynamic change and its causes of the land use and oasis was conducted based on the spatio-temporal data of land use in Xinjiang,China obtained by using the remotely sensed data from Landsat MSS/TM/OLI and CBERS in the past 40 years from 1972 to 2015.The results indicated that the cultivation area in Xinjiang had been constantly expanding as result of land reclamation,which had reached a considerable quantity; the land reclamation and some of the cultivated land left uncultivated become the most important feature of the land use in Xinjiang and even in northwest arid area of China.The ratio of the land left uncultivated against the land reclaimed was gradually being decreased,translating into a continuously improving efficiency of land use;the construction land of urban residents has been expanded continuously.The area of oasis has gradually been expanded with its occupation rate being increased from 8.18% to 9.93%.The area of artificial oasis and its proportion have also been increased gradually.At present,more than half of the oasis area is the artificial oasis.The warm and wet climate changes,as well as the policies,population,social economy,science and technology and other factors have become the motivation of the change of land use in Xinjiang.This paper also puts forward the research on the quality change and evaluation of land development while paying attention to the change of land quantity.
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