The newly built towns in Hui nationality areas generally refer to the new towns with relatively large Hui nationality population ratio in the areas suitable for production and living due to the implementation of some projects, such as poverty alleviation projects,ecological migration projects and the amalgamation of large villages,which is deeply influenced by government behavior and urban planning,and is thus different from process of spatial self-organization in ordinary towns.This Paper took Hongsibu town at Wuzhong City of Ningxia,China as the typical research area,using 3 remotely sensed images from 2005,2010 and 2016 respectively with the support of GIS technology and GeoDA software,using land use dynamic model,spatial autocorrelation model and kernel density estimation methods,analyzed the spatial growth pattern evolution of the newly built town.The results showed follows:(1) Hongsibu Town has been gradually changed from early residential land use model to a compound land use model dominated by the residential-industrial and mining warehousing-green park space.Hongsibu Town as a new town,the initial period of its urban space growth focused on public services and infrastructure land,commercial use land,urban courtyard land to construct the central urban district in a star growth model.With the increase of urban population and acceleration of urban spatial growth,the expansion of the space appeared in the shape of an axis band with salutatory changes and the ratio of the land use for the parks and green space of ecological land,residential areas with high-rise buildings and industrial and mining storage land has been increased significantly under the guidance of urban planning.The spatial growth of township showed a trend of filling and expanding northward,and various kinds of urban land were reserved in the early stage of town planning,agricultural villages were the main land use type in the south. (2) Global Moran's I index research showed the spatial autocorrelation of various types of land use in towns is gradually being increased and the spatial agglomeration situation appears.Characterized by the mixed layout of functional land,urban spatial growth tends to be stable; the land use type and land use structure ratio tend to be reasonable; the effect of construction new small towns starts to show up. (3) As the Hui population settlement town,Hongsibu had its spatial distribution pattern of mosques not change from 2005 to 2016,showing a relatively dense distribution in the southwest and a relatively sparse distribution in the northeast,which is closely related to the space distribution of agricultural population in every period.But in recent years there has been a trend for the mosque distribution to increase from the low density to high density,which is mainly influenced by the Hui culture with many religious sects.This spatial distribution is highly consistent with the population distribution of different denominations.The spatial growth of newly built towns of Hui nationality has distinct national characteristics.This paper studies and analyzes the characteristics and laws of the spatial growth pattern in Hongsibu,and clarifies the mechanism of its spatial evolution,which has important theoretical and practical significance for urban construction in northwestern region of China.
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