Climatology and Hydrology

Characteristics and model of rainstorm and flood disaster risk index along Qinghai Highway

  • Jing ZHANG ,
  • Guangyu BAO ,
  • Wei LIU ,
  • Chunhua YANG ,
  • Zhenning YAN ,
  • Qingcuo DAI ,
  • Yongchao FU
  • 1. Meteorological Service Center of Qinghai Province, Xining 810001, Qinghai, China
    2. Qilian County Meteorological Bureau of Qinghai Province, Qilian 810400, Qinghai, China

Received date: 2023-06-15

  Revised date: 2023-08-15

  Online published: 2024-01-26


Based on daily precipitation and geographic and socioeconomic data collected from 50 national and 39 traffic meteorological stations in Qinghai Province of China from January 2012 to December 2021, this study analyzes the spatiotemporal distribution and characteristics of rainfall intensities along the highway. The analytic hierarchy process and natural breakpoint methods were applied to summarize the risk indices of rainstorms and flood disasters. These indices include the disaster-bearing environment, meteorological risk, and disaster prevention and reduction capability. By integrating these factors, a rainstorm and flood disaster risk model for a highway in Qinghai Province was developed. The key findings are as follows: (1) The spatial distribution of rainfall days along highways decreases from southeast to northwest. High-risk areas include the Xining-Tianjun section of National Highway G315 and the Xining-Ebaoling section of National Highway G227. (2) Environmental vulnerability risk gradually decreases from the southeast and northeast to the west. High-risk areas include the Qilian section of National Highway G227 and the Gonghe-Nangqian section of National Highway G214. (3) The risk of disaster body exposure is concentrated in the Minhe-Gonghe section of National Highway G109 and the Xining-Ebaoling section of National Highway G227. (4) Regions with high disaster prevention and reduction capability are mainly Xining City, Haidong City, east Haibei Prefecture, and west Haixi Prefecture. (5) The rainstorm and flood disaster risk model, categorized into five levels (lowest, low, medium, high, and higher risk), offers a practical tool for meteorological disaster risk management and provides a scientific basis for local transportation departments’ disaster prevention and relief efforts.

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Jing ZHANG , Guangyu BAO , Wei LIU , Chunhua YANG , Zhenning YAN , Qingcuo DAI , Yongchao FU . Characteristics and model of rainstorm and flood disaster risk index along Qinghai Highway[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(1) : 28 -37 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.283


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