Formation mechanism and development strategy of regional spatial pattern of Gansu Province
Received date: 2022-11-10
Revised date: 2022-12-06
Online published: 2023-09-28
Analysis of the formation of regional spatial patterns has theoretical significance for the formulation of high-quality spatial development strategies. Regional spatial patterns map the economic development relations between regions that affect the level and efficiency of regional economic development. Regional spatial pattern research can greatly enrich the theory of coordinated development in the new era. Taking the Gansu Province of China as an example, this study uses gravity and breaking point models to identify the province’s regional spatial pattern, geographic detectors to analyze the pattern’s formation mechanism and proposes a high-quality spatial development strategy. The results showed that: the spatial pattern of Gansu Province is identified as comprising three sub-regions: an integrated development zone in Hexi Corridor, an urban development zone in central Gansu Province, and a coordinated development zone in southeast Gansu Province. The factors influencing the formation of regional spatial patterns and the related evolutionary mechanisms vary across different geographical scales. Population and economic factors have always played a fundamental role in the formation of regional spatial patterns, while policy factors also play a key role. The interaction of these factors promotes the formation of Gansu’s spatial pattern. The study proposes that the integrated development zone in Hexi Corridor should form one axis and four circles, the urban development zone in central Gansu Province should form one-core traction and five poles that advance in parallel, and the coordinated development zone in southeastern Gansu Province should form a four-pole parallel development. At the provincial level, a “finger-shaped” high-quality spatial development strategy has been proposed, which has prompted Gansu Province to shift from the development stage of the growth pole model and the point-axis model to the regional network-pole core model. The study provides a theoretical reference for the construction of a one-core, three-zone development pattern for Gansu Province, and it thus contributes to achieving high-quality provincial development and laying the foundation for the fulfillment of common prosperity.
Long CHEN , Zhibin ZHANG , Xuewei ZHAO , Qianqian GUO , yan GUO . Formation mechanism and development strategy of regional spatial pattern of Gansu Province[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(9) : 1556 -1566 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.591
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