Impact of poverty alleviation resource allocation on income of rural low-income farmer households: A case of 18 villages in Qinghai Province
Received date: 2022-05-09
Revised date: 2022-09-06
Online published: 2023-03-14
Preventing poverty from returning and establishing a long-term mechanism for poverty eradication are the key footholds for consolidating and expanding the achievement of poverty eradication. Exploring the income of low-income farmer households and its influencing factors can provide ideas and reference for establishing a mechanism that could prevent poverty and return to poverty. Based on the survey data of farmer households in 18 administrative villages in three counties of Qinghai Province, China, this study analyzes the income characteristics of low-income farmer households from a farmer’s perspective. With the help of the geographic detector and Tobit models, this study investigates the influencing factors affecting the income of farmer households and their income structure, determines the explanatory power and significance of these factors, and puts forward policy suggestions combined with the analysis results. The main conclusions are as follows: (1) the total household income of low-income farmer households has significantly increased; the effect of this increasing income is obvious; and the effect of poverty alleviation is remarkable. (2) the willingness of farmer households to increase income and endogenous power has been significantly improved by the allocation of poverty alleviation resources; wage income has also become the main source of income for farmer households. (3) the explanatory power of a single factor of income impact has great differences, and the driving force of a two-factor interaction is higher than that of the single factor action; the labor force and the number of poor households are the most significant driving forces of the interaction. (4) The allocation of public poverty alleviation resources significantly affects the income structure of farmer households, and the influencing factors of different income channels differ. In the income promotion stage, we should focus on the influencing factors with a high contribution.
Yang YANG , Jiajun QIAO , Wei WANG , Ershen ZHANG . Impact of poverty alleviation resource allocation on income of rural low-income farmer households: A case of 18 villages in Qinghai Province[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(2) : 325 -336 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.208
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