›› 2013, Vol. 36 ›› Issue (5): 883-888.
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WU Hong-yan
Abstract: How to more accurately determine groundwater exploitation amount,realize sustainable use of groundwater resources,based on the methods of dynamic correlation,model of mining and recoverable coefficient,the paper took Changji and Fukang City,Xinjiang,China as an example to analyze and determine groundwater exploitation amount. With the many year dynamic observation data of average groundwater level and annual extraction volume,the dynamic correlation method was employed to analyze underground water’s dynamic changes,determine the recoverable amount;Model of mining method in typical watershed resulted from reference to a book of “Xinjiang groundwater resources”,that is,the numerical groundwater model was applied to evaluate groundwater resources of the Sangong River Basin in Fukang City,and derive the calculation method of groundwater exploitation amount. The groundwater exploitation amount = stability (natural) lateral groundwater recharge + Min 17 % of introduction surface water volume,and 38 % of watershed transformation recharge volume. Recoverable coefficient method was used to determine the recoverable amount with the help of the selected recoverable coefficients. The three methods’ constraints in the calculation process was analyzed,espectively,with a comparison of the results with previous years’ ones. The thrust reverser values is less than 0.8,the two methods determining the recoverable amount are scientific and reasonable,and their results is more accurate. Because of more restricted factors in the calculation process of groundwater exploitation amount in typical watershed,the results of dynamic correlation method were recommended. The groundwater exploitation amounts in Changji City and Fukang City are 16 817×104 m3 and 9 373×104 m3,Especially. In the previous groundwater resources evaluation in Xinjiang,still did not use the dynamic correlation method. and its restrict factors to the accuracy of the calculate results are less,the accuracy and reliability of calculation results are higher. When determining the methods of groundwater exploitation amount in plain areas on the northern slope of the Tianshan Mountains,the dynamic correlation method should be the first choice.
Key words: groundwater exploitation amount, dynamic correlation method, model of mining method in typical watershed, recoverable coefficient method
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