Arid Land Geography ›› 2024, Vol. 47 ›› Issue (9): 1496-1507.doi: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.618
• Climatology and Hydrology • Previous Articles Next Articles
GONG Dongdong1,2(), GAO Fan1,2(
), WU Bin1,2, LIU Kun1,2
GAO Fan;
GONG Dongdong, GAO Fan, WU Bin, LIU Kun. Spatiotemporal change of groundwater drought in the plain area of Xinjiang based on GRACE and its response to meteorological drought[J].Arid Land Geography, 2024, 47(9): 1496-1507.
Tab. 2
Correlation between measured groundwater level data and GRACE estimation results in the plain area of Changji Hui Autonomous Prefecture"
编号 | 位置 | 地面高程/m | 监测深度/m | 地下水类型 | 相关系数(r) |
1 | 昌吉市 | 590.00 | 36.10~61.80 | 潜水 | 0.81** |
2 | 昌吉市 | 485.03 | 7.29~38.68 | 潜水 | 0.57** |
3 | 昌吉市 | 496.67 | 4.10~36.86 | 潜水 | 0.57** |
4 | 阜康市 | 572.40 | 3.10~32.26 | 潜水 | 0.48** |
5 | 阜康市 | 620.65 | 49.45~58.60 | 潜水 | -0.91 |
6 | 玛纳斯县 | 507.50 | 64.23~80.40 | 潜水 | 0.79** |
7 | 玛纳斯县 | 453.50 | 19.32~36.20 | 潜水 | 0.75** |
8 | 奇台县 | 844.90 | 9.40~37.22 | 潜水 | 0.42** |
9 | 奇台县 | 715.80 | 10.04~48.88 | 潜水 | 0.63** |
10 | 奇台县 | 830.30 | 23.15~41.50 | 潜水 | 0.79** |
11 | 奇台县 | 960.90 | 52.59~70.05 | 潜水 | 0.41** |
12 | 吉木萨尔县 | 638.60 | 3.00~41.25 | 潜水 | 0.21** |
13 | 吉木萨尔县 | 643.00 | 2.00~42.55 | 潜水 | 0.78** |
14 | 木垒哈萨克自治县 | 815.00 | 0.00~35.63 | 潜水 | 0.69** |
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