Biology and Pedology

Morphological characteristics of Caragana shrub-coppice dune in Otindag Sandy Land

  • 1. Key Laboratory of Desert and Desertification, Northwest Institute of Ecology and Environmental Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China
    2. University of Chinese Academy of Sciences, Beijing 100049, China

Received date: 2020-09-26

  Revised date: 2020-12-13

  Online published: 2021-09-22


A shrub-coppice dune is a geomorphic form formed by the accumulation of wind-blown sand flow in arid, semi-arid, and semi humid desert areas. Shrub-coppice dunes play an important role in maintaining the grassland ecological function and land desertification. In this study, the Otindag Sandy Land in the Inner Mongolia Plateau of China, which is rich in eolian sand activities, was selected to better explain the indicative effect of shrub-coppice dunes on land desertification. The Otindag Sandy Land has large and small shrub-coppice dunes. The Caragana shrub is the most typical in the area. Accordingly, the Caragana shrub on sandy land with different desertification degrees (i.e., mild, moderate, severe, and serious) was selected for the field investigation and measurement of the shrub and sand indicators. The morphological characteristics, relationship between the shrub and sand morphological parameters, and influencing factors were analyzed using the Pearson correlation and regression analysis. Consequently, first, we found that the size of the shrub-coppice dunes was different under different desertification degrees and became gradually smaller from serious, severe, and moderate desertification to mild desertification. The shapes of the shrub-coppice dunes on the mild-and moderate-desertification lands were similar to an ellipse in the plane vertical projection and to a semi-ellipsoid in space. Meanwhile, their shapes on the severe- and serious-desertification lands were irregular in the plane vertical projection. The main influencing factors may be related to the abundance of sand source. Second, the correlation coefficient between the morphological parameters of the Caragana shrub and sand on sandy land with different desertification degrees was found significant. In particular, the correlation coefficient between the morphological parameters of both on severe- and serious-desertification lands was higher. In general, the long and short axes and the shrub-coppice dune height cooperatively developed. Third, a power function relationship existed between the long and short axes and the height of the Caragana shrub under the mild-and moderate-desertification sandy land, which indicated a large room for development. The relationship between the long and short axes and the shrub-coppice dune height on severe-and serious-desertification sandy lands is a quadratic function. This indicates that the shrub-coppice dunes are mature, and the insufficient water supply of the root system can easily lead to the decline of shrubs. The appearance of shrub-coppice dunes is an important landscape sign in the desertification process. The shape of these dunes is closely related to the degree of desertification. However, different from previous studies on the morphological differences of shrub-coppice dunes under different evolution stages in arid and semi-arid areas, the relationship between the morphological characteristics of these dunes and the degree of desertification and the response of the dunes to different desertification degrees have not been clarified. This study links the development status of shrub-coppice dunes with desertification and provides a reference basis for the evaluation of the development stages of land desertification and evolution trend analysis.

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ZHI Ying,LIU Shulin,KANG Wenping,GUO Zichen,FENG Kun . Morphological characteristics of Caragana shrub-coppice dune in Otindag Sandy Land[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2021 , 44(5) : 1438 -1448 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.05.24


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