Earth Surface Process

Simulation of spatial-temporal distribution of dust devil in northern China

  • 1. Collaborative Innovation Center on Forecast and Evaluation of Meteorological Disasters, Nanjing University of Information Science and Technology, Nanjing 210044, Jiangsu, China
    2. Key Laboratory for Aerosol-Cloud-Precipitation of China Meteorological Administration, Nanjing 210044, Jiangsu, China
    3. Lanzhou Meteorological Bureau, Lanzhou 730030, Gansu, China
    4. Nanning Meteorological Bureau, Nanning 530001, Guangxi, China

Received date: 2020-04-12

  Revised date: 2021-02-25

  Online published: 2021-08-02


Using a parameterized scheme of dust devils and its coupling with the weather research and forecasting model(WRF), the daily and monthly spatiotemporal variation characteristics of dust devils are simulated in northern China. The results show the following. (1) The daily spatial distribution of dust devils gradually appears from east to west, and its intensity gradually increases, from 10:00-14:00 (Beijing time). Then, the dust devil region gradually shrinks and the strength weakens from east to west from 14:00-20:00. From March, dust devil centers gradually appear in the Taklimakan Desert, Kumtag Desert, and Qaidam Basin and then gradually expand to all deserts, reaching a peak in June. There is a sharp decrease in the area and intensity of the dusty devils after July, and there are no dust devils in October. (2) The diurnal time variations of the dust devils present a single-peak distribution in the Taklimakan and Badain Jaran Deserts that starts at 09:00 (local time), reaches its peak at 14:00-15:00 (local time), and then decreases rapidly. The monthly time variation trend of the dust devils is generally unimodal, starting in March and reaching its peak in June, then rapidly declining and disappearing at the end of September. The fluctuation range of the dust devils in the Badain Jaran Desert is larger than that in the Taklimakan Desert. (3) The simulated and observed daily and monthly time variation characteristics of the dust devils are slightly different; however, the trends of the two are basically the same, implying that the parameterized dust devil scheme has high applicability. Dust aerosols are the main component of atmospheric aerosols, which affect the interactions and material cycles between the atmosphere, lithosphere, and biosphere through the iron fertilizer effect; however, dust aerosols are often thought to be a product of dust storms. Dust devils are small thermal-based dust emission systems that differ from the large power-based dust emission systems of dust storms; however, the extent of their occurrence and dust emissions are still unknown. The parameterized dust devil scheme can simulate the occurrence range, characteristics, and dust emissions of dust devils, which provides a basis for estimating the contribution of dust devils to atmospheric dust aerosols. This study shows that dust devils are an important source of dust aerosols, which may have an important influence on global and regional environmental and climate changes, and will therefore contribute to our understanding of dust aerosol sources and environmental and climate changes.

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HAN Chaoxin,TANG Yaoguo,HAN Yongxiang,LI Jiaxin,GUO Jianmao . Simulation of spatial-temporal distribution of dust devil in northern China[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2021 , 44(4) : 1003 -1010 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000–6060.2021.04.13


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