Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of basic public service mismatch in Urumqi Changji Region

  • 1 Xinjiang Institute of Ecology and Geography,Chinese Academy of Sciences,Urumqi 830011,Xinjiang,China; 2 University of Chinese Academy of Sciences,Beijing 100049,China

Received date: 2019-02-17

  Revised date: 2019-06-07

  Online published: 2019-09-19


Basic public services are the basic needs for the survival and development of citizens.As the core area of Xinjiang,China and the important node in the Silk Road,Urumqi-Changji region is an important gateway for the development of China’s economy to the west and a window for foreign cultural exchanges.Accelerating the construction of basic public services that are suitable for the level of economic and social development is of great significance to promoting the coordinated development of Urumqi-Changji region and achieving the overall goal of social stability and long-term stability in Xinjiang.This paper regards basic public services as a living resource and studies its configuration problem from the perspective of mismatch,using the entropy method and healthy distance model to study the spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of basic public service mismatch in Urumqi-Changji region from 2007 to 2016.The research results can provide basis for further promoting the equalization of basic public services in Urumqi-Changji region.We discovered that the average degree of mismatch of basic public services is found to be significantly reduced.It was 0.759 in 2007,which is a high degree of mismatch,and it became 0.573 in 2016,which indicated a low mismatch.In 2007,the proportion of cities and counties with a high degree of mismatch was 87.5%,while in 2016,the proportion of cities and counties with high basic public service but yet higher mismatch was only 25%.Overall,the basic public service status of cities and counties has improved,but the proportion of basic public service mismatches in 2016 was still as high as 75%,indicating that there are still many cities and counties in Urumqi-Changji region where the basic public services are not coordinated.In the aspect of time,the mismatch includes three phases,the highly mismatch dominated stage (20072011) when the proportion of the cities and counties with a high degree of mismatch was much higher,the mismatch decline stage (20122014) when there were a mixture of various mismatch status such as high degree of mismatch,higher mismatch,moderate mismatch,and low mismatch mixed exist in this stage,and the moderate mismatch stage (20152016) when the proportion of moderately mismatched cities and counties was relatively large;The basic public service configuration was gradually improved,but the overall mismatch degree was not good.From the space’s perspective,the spatial pattern change of the mismatch displayed a trend from balanced high mismatch to unbalanced low to medium mismatch,and gradually formed a Bird pattern where the The Wings represented the situations when the basic public services were mostly in a high degree of mismatch or higher degree of mismatch,while the Core represented a good or excellent condition regarding the mismatch.On the change trend,from the Core to the The Wings the mismatch was gradually changed,and the closer to the Core,the earlier the declining trend started.In terms of the indicators,the influencing factors included mainly the proportion of general education schools,the number of hospitals per 10 thousands people,the number of health technicians in health centers,the number of public vehicles per capita,the per capita natural gas supply,the number of Internet users per million people,and the actual development macro conditions.These indicator factors reflect to some extent that the improvement of public service facilities is closely related to macro factors in the urbanization and economy development.

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ZHONG Jia-li, YANG De-gang, HUO Jin-wei . Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of basic public service mismatch in Urumqi Changji Region[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(5) : 1205 -1212 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.05.26


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