Differentiation characteristics of spatial poverty, poverty reduction needs and poverty alleviation countermeasures in the oasis and desert ecotone of the arid region:A case of Hotan Prefecture

  • School of Tourism,Xinjiang University of Finance & Economics,Urumqi 830012,Xinjiang,China

Received date: 2018-12-25

  Revised date: 2019-03-19

  Online published: 2019-07-25


The oasis and desert ecotone in arid area has the characteristics of bad natural environment,lagged social development,weak economic base,low population quality and widespread poverty.According to the theory of space poverty,GIS spatial analysis technology and TOPSIS model,this paper studies the spatial poverty grade,causes of poverty and its obstacle index in Hotan Prefecture,Xinjiang,China,and puts forward corresponding countermeasures and suggestions for poverty alleviation.The results show as follows: (1) the firstlevel poverty areas in Hotan Prefecture include Hotan County (0.528 0) and Minfeng County (0.466 3); the secondlevel poverty areas include Pishan County (0.387 1),Yutian County (0.378 8),Hotan City (0.371 5),Cele County (0.348 3),Moyu County (0.325 7); the thirdlevel povertystricken areas,including Luopu County (0.221 3).(2) The main factors of poverty in Hotan Prefecture are poor natural conditions,lack of infrastructure,lag of people[JP8]’[JP]s livelihood,single economic output and high proportion of ethnic minority population.(3) The top five poverty reduction needs in Hotan region include:Means of production (86.8%),funds (85.5%),housing (74.3%),education and training (67.0%),drinking water (64.7%).According to the different characteristics of spatial poverty and the demand of poverty reduction in the research area,the corresponding countermeasures and suggestions are put forward from the aspects of improving public infrastructure,implementing the action of transferring employment,developing characteristic advantageous industries,improving production and living conditions,strengthening education and training and financial support.

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LI Dong, XING Suzhen, GUAN Jingyun, CUI Chunyu, CHEN Yuetong, WANG Yuqing . Differentiation characteristics of spatial poverty, poverty reduction needs and poverty alleviation countermeasures in the oasis and desert ecotone of the arid region:A case of Hotan Prefecture[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(4) : 933 -942 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.04.25


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