Spatial relationship between crops water footprint and economic growth in Xinjiang in recent 25 years

  • (1 Shihezi University Water Conservancy and Construction Engineering College,Shihezi 832000,Xinjiang,China;2 China Institute of Water Resources and Hydropower Research,Beijing 100038,China)

Online published: 2019-05-20


The spatial relationship between water and economy is the hot spot of water resources research in arid and semiarid areas.It reveals the evolution law and causality of the spatial distribution of water versus economy which can provide theoretical and decisionmaking reference for optimizing the rational allocation of water resources and rationally adjusting industrial structure policies.In this paper,the water footprint theory was used to calculate the crop water footprints in various prefectures in Xinjiang,China from 1991 to 2015,and based on this,the spatial evolution law and the relationship between the crop water footprint and the economy were analyzed in combination with the value added of the first industry,the gross domestic product and the entropy of the crops using the information entropy theory.The results show that the spatial evolution between the water footprint of the crops and the value added of the first industry and GDP demonstrated a balanced and wellorganized trend with a gradually deflating spatial disequilibrium of water versus economy.The crop water footprint in Xinjiang has a significant influence on the spatial evolution of the value added of the first industry with an influencing period being 1 to 5 years.The spatial distribution of agricultural economy is restricted chronically by the spatial distribution of agricultural water resources.There is no causal relationship between the water footprint of crops and the GDP.The economic development in Xinjiang is turning to the second industry and the tertiary industry for a development transformation,and the agricultural economy no longer significantly affects the economic development in Xinjiang.

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WANG Jie, LONG Aihua, YANG Guang, DENG Xiaoya, ZHANG Pei, HAI Yang, LI Yang .

Spatial relationship between crops water footprint and economic growth in Xinjiang in recent 25 years[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(3) : 526 -533 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.03.08


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