Concentration characteristics of heavy metals in the atmospheric particles in Urumqi City in recent years

  • (College of Grassland and Environmental Sciences,Xinjiang Agricultural University,Urumqi 830052,Xinjiang,China)

Received date: 2018-12-03

  Revised date: 2019-03-11

  Online published: 2019-05-18


By using the gravimetric method,the atmospheric TSP,PM10and PM2.5 over the campus of Xinjiang Agricultural University at Urumqi,Xinjiang,China were collected during the heating period in 2014,2015 and 2017 and analyzed for their mass concentration of 5 heavy mental elements.TAS-990 flame atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentration of Zn,PF3 atomic fluorescence spectrometer was used to determine the concentrations of As and Hg,and graphite furnace atomic absorption spectrophotometer was used to determine the concentrations of As and Hg.The results are as follows: the concentration of Cr is 1.31-8 ng·m-3;the concentration of Hg is 0.15-3.14 ng·m-3;the concentration of As is 11.79-120.47 ng·m-3; the concentration of Zn is 5.16-31.11 ng·m-3;the concentration of Pb is 1.05-6.83 ng·m-3.The enrichment factor method was used to analyze the enrichment degree and source of heavy metal elements,and the study explored the characteristics of elements and sources of pollution in different particle sizes of air in Xinjiang Agricultural University of Urumqi.The results showed that,during the heating period,the mass concentration of atmospheric particles TSP and PM10 showed a downward trend in recent years,and the mass concentration of PM2.5 showed an upward trend.In recent years,the mass concentration of heavy metal As in airborne particles with different particle sizes was the highest;the concentration of heavy metals As,Pb and Zn has shown a significant downward trend in recent years,while the concentration of heavy metal Cr has been increasing gradually.The concentration differences of As,Cr,Zn and Hg in different particle sizes were presented in the descending order as PM2.5,PM10 and TSP,and for Pb the descending order list was TSP,PM10,and PM2.5,so it showed that the heavy metals As,Cr,Zn and Hg were more easily concentrated in fine particles.The results of enrichment factor analysis showed that the enrichment degree of heavy metals As,Cr,Hg and Zn in atmospheric particulates were presented a descending order list as PM2.5,PM10 and TSP,the degree of enrichment of As,Pb and Zn in recent years indicated the highest value in 2014,the lowest value in 2017 and an intermediate value in 2015,and for the Cr element,the highest value in 2017,the lowest value in 2014 and an intermediate value in 2015,and for the Hg element,the highest value in 2015,the lowest value in 2017 and an intermediate value in 2014.The heavy metal Hg element is moderately enriched,indicating that the enrichment is obvious,and its source is determined to be anthropogenic pollution source;the EFi value of the heavy metal As element is basically in the range from 1 to 10,which belongs to mild enrichment,and its source is judged to be natural and artificial.The EFi values of heavy metals Zn,Cr,and Pb are between 0 and 10,indicating that they are mainly derived from crustal materials.Overall,the degree of enrichment of the heavy metal elements other than Cr in atmospheric particulate matter TSP,PM10,and PM2.5 shows a downward trend in recent years,and heavy metal elements in the atmosphere are more likely to be concentrated in fine particles.

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YAHEFU Palida, YANG Pengyu .

Concentration characteristics of heavy metals in the atmospheric particles in Urumqi City in recent years[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(3) : 492 -498 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.03.04


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