China is in a critical period of rapid urbanization and urban spatial reconstruction. Under the constraint of water and soil resources, the urbanization process and the urban spatial structure of the oasis cities that are located in Northwest China are different from the cities of other regions. The study of its spatial structure is of significance in urban space reconstruction. Urban functional land is the material carrier of urban space. The research on the evolution of urban functional land can not only reveal the characteristics, trends and formation mechanisms of urban functional spatial evolution, but also provide guidance for urban space management. This paper extracts the main functional land patches based on the map of the three phases urban construction in the downtown of Zhangye City which is a typical oasis city in the Hexi Corridors, Gansu Province, China and uses the nuclear density estimation analysis and the circle analysis to analyze the spatial evolution characteristics and the motivation of residential land, industrial land and public service land since 1981 in Zhangye City. The results showed as follows: (1) Since 1981, the proportion of residential land and public service land based on living have been increased year by year in urban construction land, while the proportion of industrial land based on production has been gradually declined. (2) Residential land and public service land is gradually spread from the old urban area to the periphery of the city, and these two types of functional land gradually are diffused from downtown space to the periphery. However, industrial land is gradually concentrated in the industrial park, driving the rapid growth of urban space in Zhangye. (3) The urban functional land also has obvious circle characteristics. (4) The evolution of urban functional land is the result of the combined effects of the driving forces by the population and economy, the regulation and control by the policy, the trade-off between urban development and eco-environment protection, constraint by the traffic transportation and the guidance by the urban planning.
LIANG Feng, LI Qianguo, SHI Peiji, ZHANG Xuebin, CHEN Jiayin
. Evolution characteristics and its driving factors of urban functional land in Zhangye City[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019
, 42(2)
: 414
DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.02.21
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