Temporal-spatial pattern and accumulation characteristics of county scale urbanization from the perspective of new-type urbanization: A case of Zhejiang Province

  • (School of Surveying & Mapping and Geographic Information, Lanzhou Jiaotong University, Lanzhou 730070 Gansu, China)

Online published: 2019-03-07


 Based on the characteristics and connotation of the new-type urbanization, the evaluation system for assessing the county region urbanization level in Zhejiang Province, China is constructed by selecting 7 factors, which include the population, the economy, the society, the space, the life quality of residents, the urban and rural coordinated development and innovation development, and 26 indicators out of the selected factors. The new-type urbanization levels of 70 administrative units in the province are calculated by using a fuzzy comprehensive evaluation method from 2007 to 2016. Based on this, the ArcGIS is used to visualize and analyze the calculation results, and the system clustering method is used to verify the results. The results showed as follows: (1) overall the new-type urbanization level of the county region of Zhejiang Province was slowly increased, and the results exhibit an "inverted triangle" distribution pattern from spatial perspective; (2) three high-level regional centers and two low-level regional centers are formed, the high-level regional centers have obvious fan-out effects on the surrounding regions; (3) the traditional urbanization indicators make a greater contribution to the new-type urbanization, while the contribution of urban and rural coordinated development and innovation development were increased year by year; (4) the high-level regions of new-type urbanization can attribute to their innovation development, and the urban and rural coordinated development and society urbanization in these regions are outstanding if compared with other regions.

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WANG Yanxia, WANG Peian . Temporal-spatial pattern and accumulation characteristics of county scale urbanization from the perspective of new-type urbanization: A case of Zhejiang Province[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(2) : 423 -432 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.02.22


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