The hydrochemical and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic characteristics of water in the low reach of Kherlen River

  • College of Water Conservancy and Civil Engineering, Inner Mongolia Agricultural University, Hohhot 010018, China

Online published: 2019-01-16


The Kherlen River is the largest lake in the north of China - the main river flowing into Hulun Lake, and it is located in Hulunbeier grassland as a typical grassland river. The Kherlen River originates from the south of Kent Mountain in Mongolia and flows from west to east. The Kherlen River has a total length of 1264 km, with 206.44km in China, and it has a total drainage area of 7153 km2. Combining with the regional hydrogeological data, the characteristics of the hydrochemistry and hydrogen and oxygen isotopes of the main ions in the river water and underground water in the low reach of Kherlen River were analyzed using the Durov diagram, spatial interpolation and statistical analysis method. The results show that the hydrochemical types of the river water are mainly Na-Ca-HCO3 type, and the hydrochemical types of underground water are Na-Cl and Ca-Na-HCO. The spatial distribution characteristics of the main ion concentration and hydrogen and oxygen isotope in the Kherlen river water are more stable than the groundwater, and the spatial difference is small. Hydrogen and oxygen isotope relationship indicates the groundwater and surface water were mainly supplied by the precipitation, while the groundwater is the main supply source of Kherlen River. The variation of deuterium surplus reveals that the evaporation and fractionation degree of the Kherlen River is stronger than that of the groundwater. Besides the water evaporation of the basin is mainly influenced by the geology and geomorphology of the region, the influence by the human activities on the river water is much stronger than that on the underground water. The West Temple at the G3 point is a complete and independent hydrogeological unit, where the characteristics of hydrochemistry and hydrogen and oxygen isotopes are different from other groundwater. The Fl- content of some groundwater in the basin exceeds certain limits, which is caused partially by the human activities to a certain degree but is mainly a naturel result of the comprehensive hydrogeological conditions. This becomes a serious threat to human survival, and the local authorities should pay more attention to this issue and take action to avoid the recurrence of fluorosis.

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HANG Zhi-ming, JIA Ke-li, SHI Xiao-hong, SUN Biao, YANG Fang, WU Qi-hui . The hydrochemical and hydrogen and oxygen isotopic characteristics of water in the low reach of Kherlen River[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(1) : 85 -93 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.01.10


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