Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture on slope land of different vegetation in Jinsha River of Dry-Hot Valley

  • 1 College of Ecology and Soil & Water Conservation, Southwest Forestry University, Kunming 650224, Yunnan,China; 
    2  Yuxi Forest Ecosystem Research Station, China’s State Forestry Administration, Kunming 650224,Yunnan,China

Online published: 2019-01-16


In order to explore the influence of typical forest grass vegetation on soil moisture change on sloping land in dry hot valley area, the soil moisture content (within the depth of 0 to 100 cm) were collected and measured using the grid sampling method and soil auger method in the drought season in July to December 2016 and rainy season in April 2017, taking the Leucaena Benth forest land, Dodonaea angustifolia shrub land and Heteropogon cantortus grassland as the research objects in Juna small watershed in Jinsha River of dry-hot valley. The dynamic characteristics of soil moisture under typical forest vegetation in the slope area were analyzed by geostatistics method. The soil moisture content in the dry-hot valley of Jinsha was low (which were 7.44% in the dry season and 9.88% in the  rainy season for the forest land; 10.25% and 10.31 respectively for the shrub land; and 5.03% and 10.60% respectively for the grassland), the soil moisture in the rainy season was higher than that in the dry season, and the soil moisture content in the shrub land was bigger than that in the grassland which was bigger than that in the forest land regardless of the dry season or the rainy season, showing a moderate to strong variation (between 0.07 to 0.28). The soil moisture in the hot valley of Jinsha has significant spatial structure and spatial continuity, and the soil moisture had similar spatial autocorrelation regardless of the season (drought season or rainy season) and the land cover (forest or shrub or grass vegetation). All the autocorrelation coefficients went from positive to negative but with a different lagging distance in the transformation and it was bigger in the rainy season than that in the dry season, demonstrating a moderate to strong spatial autocorrelation. The spatial structure of soil moisture was different depending on the types of land cover and this difference was remarkable in the dry season. The moisture distribution in the deep soil was more complex than that in the surface layer, displaying an obvious patched or stripped distribution with unset high water content areas and low water content areas. The best fitting model was the spherical model for the forest land, shrub and grassland. Under the same land cover, the spatial structure of the water content was similar regardless of dry season or rainy season. In short, different type of land cover will change the spatial distribution of soil moisture in the areas and the rainfall will amplify this difference, but soil moisture still has some spatial continuity. Therefore, diverse strategies in the utilization of water resources should be adopted during ecological restoration and vegetation reconstruction in dry-hot valley.

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HAN Jiao-jiao, DUAN Xu, ZHAO Yang-yi . Spatial and temporal variability of soil moisture on slope land of different vegetation in Jinsha River of Dry-Hot Valley[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(1) : 121 -129 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.01.14


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