Phenological variation and its relationship with meteorological factors in HulunBuir grasslands

  • Institute of Agricultural Resources and Regional Planning,Chinese Academy of Agricultural Sciences,Beijing 100081,China

Online published: 2019-01-22


Accurately monitoring phenological period is of great scientific significance to the optimal management of grassland ecosystem. This paper adopted D-L fitting method and dynamic threshold method to invert the phenological period of HulunBuir grassland, analyzed the characteristics of its spatio-temporal changes, and discussed the relationship between phenological phase and meteorological factors by using MOD09Q1 dataset from 2000 to 2015. The results of the study indicated that: (1) The green-up date occurred in late April or early June (an average of the 138th day), and the withering phase occurred from September to late October (an average of the 277th day). The length of the growing season ranged from 3.5 to 6 months (an average of 136 days). (2) Spatially, in the western and northern HulunBuir grasslands, the green-up date was earlier but the withering date was later, and it had the longest growing season. While in the eastern and central HulunBuir grasslands, the green-up date was relatively later, but the withering was earlier, and the length of the growing season was shorter. Both the green-up date and the withering date showed a trend of moving earlier. The proportion moving earlier on the green-up date and withering date were 61.2% and 63.83%, respectively. The length of the growing season showed a prolonging trend, and the proportion in the prolonged growing season is 54.95%. (3) The main driving factors of the change of phenological trend were clarified based on the spatial correlation coefficients of phenological phase and annual average, seasonal temperature and precipitation at the pixel scale. The main reason for the advancement of the green-up date was the increase of precipitation in winter, while the main reasons for the advancement of the withering date were the increase of precipitation in spring and the increase of temperature in autumn. The research results can provide references for revealing the climate change of the HulunBuir grassland, and guidance for the herdsman to graze and to develop animal husbandry.

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ZHANG Yu-jing, YANG Xiu-chun, GUO Jian, JIN Yun-xiang, Xu Bin, SHEN Ge, ZHANG Wen-bo . Phenological variation and its relationship with meteorological factors in HulunBuir grasslands[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2019 , 42(1) : 144 -153 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2019.01.17


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