Diurnal variation characteristics of warm season precipitation in the Bayanbuluke Basin of the Middle Tianshan Mountains
Received date: 2024-02-28
Revised date: 2024-05-08
Online published: 2025-01-02
Diurnal variation in precipitation is a fundamental aspect of climate change, providing valuable insights into its effects on regional water resources. This study analyzes the diurnal precipitation patterns in the Bayanbuluke Basin, Xinjiang, China during the warm season (May-September) from 2017 to 2023, using hourly precipitation data from 18 meteorological observation stations. The findings indicate that the diurnal variation characteristics of precipitation amount, frequency, and intensity during the warm season exhibit overall consistency, albeit with differences across time scales. On an annual scale, precipitation amount and intensity predominantly increase during the day, whereas frequency rises at night. On a monthly scale, all three metrics show significant increases from the afternoon to the first half of the night. During the 18:00—24:00 period, precipitation is not only more frequent but also exhibits higher amounts and intensity, while the 07:00—10:00 period reflects the opposite trend. In the warm season, low-intensity rainfall (R1≤2.0 mm) contributes the most to total precipitation, followed by moderate rainfall (2.1 mm≤R1≤4.0 mm). Regarding precipitation processes (R), light rain (0.1 mm≤R≤6.0 mm) occurs most frequently, yet heavy to torrential rain (R≥12.1 mm) contributes the most to total precipitation. The afternoon period experiences the highest precipitation frequency and contribution. Among different precipitation durations, long-duration events exceeding 6 hours account for the largest contributions, whereas short-duration events (1-3 h) are more frequent, particularly during 15:00—20:00.
DIAO Peng , ZHOU Xueying , Nimicairen NUJIA , LIU Changyong . Diurnal variation characteristics of warm season precipitation in the Bayanbuluke Basin of the Middle Tianshan Mountains[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(12) : 2093 -2103 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.128
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