Influence of land use transformation on carbon storage change in Gansu Province
Received date: 2024-01-18
Revised date: 2024-05-26
Online published: 2025-01-02
There is a close relationship between the carbon stock in terrestrial ecosystems and the global climate crisis. Using the InVEST model and ArcGIS software, combined with land use data for Gansu Province, China across three phases (2000, 2010, and 2020), the dynamic changes in land use types and carbon stock were assessed and analyzed. The results indicate that: (1) The areas of unused land and arable land decreased significantly between 2000 and 2020, while construction land, grassland, forest land, and water bodies exhibited an increasing trend. Land type transitions within the province were primarily dominated by conversions between grassland and arable land. (2) The cumulative increase in carbon stock in Gansu Province from 2000 to 2020 amounted to 331.24×104 t, following a trend of initial increase followed by a decline. (3) The conversion of unused land to arable land and grassland to forest land contributed to the enhancement of regional carbon stock, whereas the conversion of arable land to construction land and grassland to unused land posed significant constraints on the increase in regional carbon stock. This study provides a valuable reference for future land use planning and ecological restoration efforts in Gansu Province.
Key words: carbon stock; land use type; InVEST modeling; Gansu Province
JIANG Xiaoxiao , LI Xuemei , HAN Hui , XU Min , LING Hongbo . Influence of land use transformation on carbon storage change in Gansu Province[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(12) : 2075 -2082 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2024.040
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