Regional Development

Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of green efficiency of agricultural water resources in Xinjiang

  • CHU Jiaqi ,
  • JIANG Zhihui
  • College of Economics and Management, Tarim University, Aral 843300, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2023-10-16

  Revised date: 2023-11-16

  Online published: 2024-07-30


An index system was developed by measuring variables such as agricultural surface source pollution and agricultural net carbon sinks. Super-efficiency SBM and Malmquist index methods were used to calculate the green efficiency values of agricultural water resources and their decomposition index values in 14 administrative regions of Xinjiang, China, from 2011 to 2020. Standard deviation ellipses were drawn to analyze the movement of centers of efficiency, and a Markov chain probability matrix was constructed to analyze their spatial pattern of changes. The Tobit model was also used to analyze its impact on the green efficiency of agricultural water resources in Xinjiang in terms of cropping structure, agricultural economy, water supply structure, water conservation facilities, urbanization level, resource endowment, and economic development level. The results show the following: (1) The average value of green efficiency of agricultural water resources during the study period in each administrative region of Xinjiang is 0.865; there are obvious differences in the level, improvement effect, and speed of the green efficiency of agricultural water resources in each region. (2) The coordinates of the center of gravity during the study period always moved within Bayinbuluk Town, Hejing County, Bayingol Mongolian Autonomous Prefecture, first to the northeast and then to the southwest, and eventually turned back to the northeast; there is a probability of transferring to each other or across types between lower, higher, and high green efficiency types of the regions, and it is difficult for inefficient regions to grow rapidly or across types. (3) The levels of economic development, agricultural economy, and water supply structure have a significant positive impact on the green efficiency of agricultural water resources, and resource endowment and water conservation facilities have a significant negative impact on the efficiency of agricultural water resources. The results of this study are of great practical significance for the sustainable use of agricultural water resources and the construction of green and efficient agriculture in Xinjiang.

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CHU Jiaqi , JIANG Zhihui . Spatiotemporal evolution and influencing factors of green efficiency of agricultural water resources in Xinjiang[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(7) : 1231 -1241 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.577


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