Spatial distribution and regional cooperative conservation of heritage resources in the Yellow River Basin
Received date: 2023-10-11
Revised date: 2023-12-24
Online published: 2024-07-30
The current heritage conservation system, fragmented and controlled by administrative units, overlooks the holistic and territorial aspects of heritage resources in China’s Yellow River Basin. Using Moran’s I and kernel density estimation, this study unveils the existing spatial distribution characteristics of heritage resources in the Yellow River Basin up to June 2022. It analyzes the spatial distribution differences in diverse geomorphological, climatic, and aquatic environments through geodetic probes. The findings indicate that: (1) The heritage resources in the Yellow River Basin exhibit notable clustering at various scales. A hierarchical patchy distribution appears at the interprovincial scale, high-value clustering at the intermunicipal scale, and an individual scale distribution pattern, described as three central cores radiating into a belt and four subcores dispersing horizontally. (2) The heritage resources in the Yellow River Basin are concentrated in river valley basins and alluvial plains. The suitable natural environment for their distribution includes warm-temperate climates and a low-altitude (0-849 m) continuous surface (the negative zone) formed by tributaries above the first level of the Yellow River. (3) Within the natural environment, geomorphological elements primarily influence the spatial differentiation of heritage resources in the Yellow River Basin. The positive coupling effect of the slope, river network density, and other factors is noteworthy. The dominant differentiation driving factors include absolute elevation (0.33), geomorphological surface elevation (0.30), and temperature zone (0.18). This study’s results are crucial for comprehending the cultural significance of the Yellow River and fostering the sustainable development of heritage resources.
CHEN Cong , TANG Ying , SHI Chengyong , DU Yifan , ZHAO Lina , JIANG Xuyan . Spatial distribution and regional cooperative conservation of heritage resources in the Yellow River Basin[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(7) : 1220 -1232 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.568
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