Regional Development

Coupling coordination relationship between park green spaces and urban functional spaces and its influencing factors: A case of Urumqi City

  • ZHAO Xuechun ,
  • JU Chunyan
  • Faculty of Public Administration (Faculty of Law), Xinjiang Agricultural University, Urumqi 830052, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2023-08-28

  Revised date: 2023-10-23

  Online published: 2024-05-30


The study of the coupled coordination relationship between park green spaces and urban functional spaces, along with its influencing factors, is crucial for optimizing the layout of park green spaces and enhancing the synergistic development of urban functional spaces. This research focuses on the central urban area of Urumqi City, Xinjiang, China, employing kernel density analysis, standard deviation ellipse, coupling coordination degree model, and Geodetector. It aims to analyze the distribution patterns of park green spaces and urban functional spaces and investigate their coupling and coordination relationship and influencing factors. The findings reveal that: (1) Parks and urban functional spaces exhibit a spatial aggregation characteristic that is dense at the center and sparse at the edges, diminishing in concentric circles and expanding toward the northwest. (2) The distribution centers of parks and urban functional spaces have shifted away from the city center, with parks, residential, transportation, and public service spaces aligning in the northwest-southeast direction, while leisure and commercial spaces align in the northeast-southwest direction. (3) The predominant coupling and coordination type between park green spaces and various urban functional spaces is moderate dissonance, with the degree of coupling and coordination displaying spatial differentiation characterized by higher levels in the center and lower levels in the eastern, western side, and extremities of the north-south axis. Demographic factors and transportation conditions are identified as primary influences on the degree of coupling and coordination between parks and urban functional spaces, with socio-economic factors playing a secondary role.

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ZHAO Xuechun , JU Chunyan . Coupling coordination relationship between park green spaces and urban functional spaces and its influencing factors: A case of Urumqi City[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(5) : 898 -908 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.452


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