The Third Xinjiang Scientific Expedition

Radiation balance and surface albedo characteristics of the gobi underlying surface in the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert

  • XING Liwen ,
  • ZHAO Jingfeng ,
  • HE Qing ,
  • LI Juan ,
  • SU Huali ,
  • HE Yaling
  • 1. College of Geography and Resource Science, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, Sichuan, China
    2. Key Laboratory of Southwest Land Resources Evaluation and Monitoring of Ministry of Education, Sichuan Normal University, Chengdu 610068, Sichuan, China
    3. Institute of Desert Meteorology, China Meteorological Administration, Urumqi 830002, Xinjiang, China

Received date: 2023-09-26

  Revised date: 2023-12-03

  Online published: 2024-05-30


The gobi, a prominent terrain feature in desert regions, exhibits surface characteristics markedly distinct from those of typical desert terrains. Therefore, it is imperative to investigate the radiation balance properties of the gobi’s surface in desert environments to enhance the accuracy of parameters used in land-atmosphere energy exchange models, particularly in the Taklimakan Desert. Utilizing continuous observational data from the Qira gobi station, situated on the southern periphery of the Taklimakan Desert as part of the China-Japan Sand and Dust Storm Cooperation Project (ADEC), this study examines the diurnal variations in the components of surface radiation balance at the Qira gobi station throughout the year, across different seasons, and under various weather conditions. The findings indicate that: (1) The peak values for radiation components at the Qira gobi station are typically observed in July, with the exception of upward shortwave radiation, which peaks in January. (2) The diurnal variation maxima for downward and upward shortwave radiation are recorded in spring, whereas the peak values for downward longwave radiation, upward longwave radiation, and net radiation are noted in summer. (3) During sunny days, the radiation components exhibit a consistent trend across seasons, whereas under cloudy, overcast, and rainy conditions, their variations are erratic. Specifically, during precipitation events, both downward and upward longwave radiations significantly surpass the levels of other components. (4) The annual average surface albedo is calculated at 0.32. Notably, the albedo increases substantially during winter owing to snow cover, with the seasonal sequence from highest to lowest being winter, spring, autumn, and summer. The diurnal albedo variation, influenced by the solar zenith angle, forms a smooth “U” shape on clear days, whereas it fluctuates irregularly under different weather conditions.

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XING Liwen , ZHAO Jingfeng , HE Qing , LI Juan , SU Huali , HE Yaling . Radiation balance and surface albedo characteristics of the gobi underlying surface in the southern margin of the Taklimakan Desert[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(5) : 762 -772 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.535


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