Dynamic variation of energy balance under the influence of salt-crusted soil formation and development
Received date: 2023-08-17
Revised date: 2023-10-17
Online published: 2024-03-29
Surface energy balance is the crucial link in the interaction between the earth and the atmosphere, and it is essential to study its characteristics with different underlying surfaces to understand heat transfer at the surface. However, limited information is available on the variation characteristics of the energy balance in the formation process of salt-crusted soil. The main difficulty is the limited calculation method for the albedo of the soil surface during the development of salt crust, which remarkably affects the accurate quantitative description of heat transport in saline soil. Therefore, a simulation experiment combined with an energy balance model and an albedo calculation method was applied to quantitatively analyze the characteristics of dynamic variations in the energy balance during the formation and development of salt-crusted soil. The results are as follows: (1) The formation and development process of salt crust on the soil surface could be expressed using the logistic growth model (R2=0.99). (2) Under continuous irradiation (1000 W·m-2, 16 d), the albedo of the salt-crusted soil was 0.15-0.41 higher than that of the control treatment with continuous development of the salt crust, which decreased the absorbed heat by the soil, consequently reducing the surface temperature of the salt-crusted soil by 16 °C (mean value) compared to the control treatment. (3) The net radiation, sensible-heat flux, latent-heat flux, and soil-heat flux of the salt-crusted soil decreased by 47.9%, 52.4%, 46.8%, and 47.4% (mean value), respectively, compared to that of the control treatment. This reduction happened under the influence of albedo and surface temperature, which further affected the soil profile temperature. The results provided a notable scientific value for further investigation of soil water-heat transport under the influence of the salt crust.
Key words: salt crust; albedo; soil surface temperature; energy balance
WANG Hongchao , LI Xinhu , GUO Min , LI Jialin . Dynamic variation of energy balance under the influence of salt-crusted soil formation and development[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(3) : 424 -432 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.435
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