Ecology and Environment

Advances in climate change and its impact on the stability of mountain forest ecosystems and hydrological processes in arid regions

  • CHANG Xuexiang ,
  • ZHAO Wenzhi ,
  • TIAN Quanyan
  • Northwest Institute of Eco-Environment and Resources, Chinese Academy of Sciences; Linze Inland River Basin Research Station, China Ecosystem Research Network; Key Laboratory of Ecohydrology of Inland River Basin, CAS; Key Laboratory of EcologicalSafety and Sustainable Development in Arid Lands, Lanzhou 730000, Gansu, China

Received date: 2023-04-13

  Revised date: 2023-08-01

  Online published: 2024-03-14


Water is essential for the formation of oases in arid areas. Water source districts maintain the existence of oases, facilitate sustainable development of the local economy, and ensure the stability of the ecological environment in the mountains of the northwest arid area. Forest ecosystems are important for water conservation and are called a “green reservoirs” in mountainous areas. Climate change is anticipated to alter the structure and composition of terrestrial ecosystems, affecting elements of the terrestrial water cycle and exacerbating water shortages, thereby posing a threat to arid oases. This study briefly reviews and summarizes the research progress and existing problems related to climate change and their impact on the stability and hydrological processes of mountain forest ecosystems in arid regions. In the future, it also suggests that the trend of climate change needs to be evaluated in arid mountains with an enhanced spatial resolution of 1 km. A comprehensive study of the impact of climate change on the stability of mountain forest ecosystems and hydrological processes in arid areas is recommended, considering multiple scales, interfaces, disciplines, and methods. This approach aims to promote the development of mountain ecology in arid areas and to lay the theoretical foundation for arid area management departments to adapt to and mitigate the impact of climate change. It further emphasizes the need to scientifically formulate management plans for climate change conditions and realize effective water resource management, thereby promoting sustainable environmental and socioeconomic development under climate change conditions in arid regions.

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CHANG Xuexiang , ZHAO Wenzhi , TIAN Quanyan . Advances in climate change and its impact on the stability of mountain forest ecosystems and hydrological processes in arid regions[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2024 , 47(2) : 228 -236 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.168


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