Bibliometric analysis of land desertification research on the Mongolian Plateau in recent 40 years
Received date: 2023-03-15
Revised date: 2023-06-13
Online published: 2024-01-05
This paper employs the Web of Science (WoS) Core Collection and the CNKI database to conduct a comprehensive analysis of desertification research on the Mongolian Plateau spanning the years 1980 to 2021. Using visualization software and bibliometric methods, this study reveals notable trends and shifts in the scholarly landscape. Key findings include the following: (1) A discernible increase in publications, rising from an average of 2 per year in 1980 to 96 in 2021, delineating a trajectory of gradual to fluctuating to rapid growth. Post-2000, English literature predominated, with authors affiliated predominantly with the Chinese Academy of Sciences. The United States emerged as a primary collaborator. (2) The thematic focus evolved over time, with early attention on land desertification processes until 2000. Subsequently, research intensified on the causes of land desertification. The last decade saw a thematic shift toward ecological restoration of desertified land, with a particular emphasis on the sandy areas of Inner Mongolia before 2000. In the 21st century, this focus expanded to the northern regions of China, primarily within the agricultural-pastoral ecotone. Notably, the research spotlight shifted to the grassland areas of northern China during 2011—2021. (3) Research trajectories delineate a progression from the exploration of the concept and causes of land desertification, along with prevention and control strategies during 1980—2000. Subsequently, attention has shifted to the environmental effects of land desertification in the 21st century. The period of 2017—2021 witnessed a surge in studies investigating ecosystem services and the restoration of desertified land, emerging as a prominent research theme. Considering these insights, future research directions should pivot toward a holistic examination of the Mongolian Plateau, emphasizing the integration of multisource data to enhance information accuracy. This approach is vital for advancing the ecological functions of desertified land on the Mongolian Plateau and contributing to the establishment of a robust northern ecological barrier in China.
Sarilang ZHANG , Wulantuya , Buhe , Yongmei , Siqinchaoketu , Weiqing ZHANG . Bibliometric analysis of land desertification research on the Mongolian Plateau in recent 40 years[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(12) : 1984 -1994 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2023.115
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