Redistribution characteristics of aeolian sand flow on different underlying surfaces at the edge of Hobq Desert and their enrichment effect on nutrients
Received date: 2022-08-17
Revised date: 2022-09-27
Online published: 2023-07-24
Taking the five kinds of underlying surfaces i.e. mobile sand, sand sealing grass belt, wind and sand barrier forest, farmland shelter forest and farmland of Hobq Desert as the research objects, the particle size and elemental characteristics of sediments in the surface and 0-100 cm aeolian sand flow were analyzed by field observation and indoor analysis. The results showed that: (1) The surface roughness of farmland and vegetation-covered land increased significantly compared with moving sand, the wind speed at 10 cm decreased by more than 18%, and the total sand transport decreased by 85.6% on average. (2) The content of Cu, Fe, Mn and Zn in different grain sizes of sand is obviously different, Cu and Zn elements have the highest content in silt sand, Mn elements have the highest content in very fine sand, and Fe elements have the highest content in fine sand. (3) Under the redistribution of aeolian sand flow materials, the content of silt and very fine sand in aeolian sand flow increases with the uplift of height, which increases by about 14 times on average compared with the surface, and the content of Cu, Zn and Mn elements increases accordingly, the content of fine sand in aeolian sand flow increases first and then decreases, and the Fe element content also shows a trend of first increasing and then decreasing, which is closely related to the element content in the original surface and the element content characteristics of different particle sizes in surface sediments.
Min YAN , Yuxin CHEN , Hejun ZUO , Haibing WANG , Cheng XI . Redistribution characteristics of aeolian sand flow on different underlying surfaces at the edge of Hobq Desert and their enrichment effect on nutrients[J]. Arid Land Geography, 2023 , 46(6) : 889 -899 . DOI: 10.12118/j.issn.1000-6060.2022.400
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